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  1. P

    Liev/Keppler Thread #1

    I thought keppler was far from one- dimensional and I think Liev played him brilliantly. I'm really impressed with him and especially the writers for being able to get me so attached to a character in just four episodes. I definatly dont think he trusted frank, I mean, he left the gun for csi to...
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    CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

    awwww!! those pics are great! thank you! eddie and his irish shirt! im so proud *tear* :lol: melina looks amazing there too!
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    "Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

    just saw the episode now. amazing. just couldnt believe it! anyone else really bummed kepplers gone?
  4. P

    New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

    :lol: damn straight! boxes with carmine on front! Yay to carminefan Vielen Dank Von alle hier in Talkcsi! Ich bin sicher, daß Sie grosses zur Ursache unterschieden haben :p
  5. P

    Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

    That really does suck! do you think thats because they think csi ny is really coming on strong ratingswise or something? im not sure-did they do them every season for LV and M?
  6. P

    The Naughty Picture Thread-Ny Style!

    That one of Mac and Danny is hilarious! its like mac just cant resist 'droool....dannys ass.....' :lol:
  7. P

    New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

    :lol: Thank you crankyjules I'd be inclined to disagree! and i agree with Mrs G your pic is rockin! ;) As do you m'dear! So I've been having some luck with the ad, a few friends have told me they mailed(even though they aint big csi fans), so yay!
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    CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

    ^^haha! yea that was great delivery on Eddies part!
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    Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

    just poppin in with some wee eye candy! :D
  10. P

    New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

    crankyjules You are a computer goddess! :lol: My myspace is up and running! sure thing- tis See your masterpiece in all its glory!
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    Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

    Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa ooo yes I got fallen arches and it was region1 but I found my laptops dvd player had no problem converting so that might be a possibility twinkletoes ? I'd love to see players though aswell I've heard some good stuff about it! let...
  12. P

    NY quote game # 2

    beats me! if you're sure-go for it! :D
  13. P

    CSI New York Picture Game 6

    darn it! was that too easy?? yes indeed! chelliyah tis all yours! :D
  14. P

    New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

    ^^hang on, what code? cool, yesh of course! I did and pestered my friends to do so! I'm hoping the more see it on my site-the more will write or even as me about it so i can explain...and then pester them to write :lol: :D
  15. P

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    arrg! i watched oedipus hex! :lol: i do really wanna watch raising shane but isnt there a prequal/backstory to it i'd be missing?
  16. P

    NY quote game # 2

    tis marns turn m'dear!
  17. P

    New Carmine Giovinazzo Fan Project: Get The Man An Emmy

    ok ok im in! can someone tell me how to pimp my myspace/bebo page with le VOTE CARMINE pic/link! I wanna do my bit! :D
  18. P

    CSI New York Picture Game 6

    yaaayness!!!! ok here goes!
  19. P

    Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

    well I like the pixies(might have guessed) but I also like some JT stuff! why not like? variety is the spice and all that! :D
  20. P

    Dear Writers... (Have something you want to say?)

    ...crikey! (feeling meek) note to self bashing=bad word! i used it in the flippant sense! sowie for the hullaballoo!! :rolleyes: