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  1. C


    I just got an e-mail about that today too :D I don't think I'll spend my money on that tho, cause I've already seen them live! :D :lol:
  2. C


    I'm bored, so I'll post some pictures from the CoB concert :p They are a bit crappy because it's dark.. Pic1 Pic2 Pic3 Pic4 Pic5
  3. C


    We had seats like 10 meters from the stage, so they didn't throw anything that far. I've got some pictures I can post later tho, cause they're not on this computer.
  4. C


    Yay! Children Of Bodom was so awesome live! :D They played almost all my favorite songs. Great show! :D
  5. C

    ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

    Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas :lol: I had to play that scene over and over again! :lol:
  6. C

    ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

    Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas Did anyone else notice Horatio's nice bend over at the end of last nights episode? :D That has to be like the highlight of the season this far! :D
  7. C


    Thanks kazzy! :) I hope so too! And I hope they'll play Needled 24/7 and Towards Dead End too :D They'll probably play a lot of songs from the new album. Anyway, it will be awesome!
  8. C


    I'm going to see Children Of Bodom today!! :devil: I'm so excited! :D Gonna take some pictures too. This is so great! :D
  9. C

    Weird Dreams

    Oh I know I'm horrible ;) I probably would have done that same irl! :lol:
  10. C

    Weird Dreams

    I had the weirdest dream EVER like a couple of months ago. I was kidnapped by Dennis Rodman, and he was wearing a purple dress and had matching purple hair. And at his house he had this huge cage where he had a polar bear that he fed it with small children. In the cage there was a lot of water...
  11. C

    ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

    Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas Oh my gosh! Great pictures you've got there! :)
  12. C

    howmany/what langueges do you speak?

    I can speak Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, English and some French. I understand some Icelandic too. :D
  13. C

    Recent Purchases

    3 new Sarah Brightman dvds :D
  14. C

    ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

    Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas Oooo! Wet Horatio! Now I'll definitely have sweet dreams tonight! :D
  15. C

    ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

    Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas Can't help but get hot flashes when a six-foot-tall man lays down with a three-foot-long rifle ;) :lol: And those sideburns are soooo fine! *drools*
  16. C

    ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

    Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas You're evil! :p Let me be delusional for a little while here. :lol: Nice pictures btw! :)
  17. C

    ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

    Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas Are you insulting my lamp? :eek: :lol: David didn't seem to care about the lamp.. He was too busy ;) :lol:
  18. C

    ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Please!~

    Re: ~David Caruso Thread #4 'A One-way Ticket To HC/DC Pleas :lol: I love those avatars too! No babies!! :mad: That picture is not from Jade, it's from my bedroom! :eek: Where did you get that? :lol: :D
  19. C


    Thanks. Nothing's gonna stop me from going! :D Besides it's on a saturday. I think it will be great!
  20. C


    Wohoo! I'm going to see Children Of Bodom next month! :devil: