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  1. Fruitbat

    Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets ~ Results!

    Re: Animation Challenge - #5 - CSI's At Work ~ Voting Open! 1 8 4 Great work guys.
  2. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    Oh god I know what you mean. It could be a great well written thought provoking episode. Or it could come across as preachy and cringmaking. I am worried considering the way some of the eps have gone this season. But with Mr Asner appearing I am hopeful.
  3. Fruitbat

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    I know what you mean..:drool: I just finished watching it AGAIN..:hugegrin: I mean come on Gary half naked and tied up whats not to love...:evil::evil:. but seriously I love the movie.. I watch it every time its on... Highlight of the week so far..:) By the way love the Gump pics Sam..
  4. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    See I am hoping for some good strong Flack moments in the finale as well. I am thinking that the build up of the scenes in the last ep emphasizing the fact that they are together means that Flack will get the chance to react to her death. (If that is the way they are going.) Or at the very least...
  5. Fruitbat

    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    Guys I posted larger copies of some 5.22 episode pictures on the pic thread.. Minor Spoilers in the pics, and some pissed off Mac Taylor..
  6. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    5.22 bigger pics guys
  7. Fruitbat

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    I think that account was deleted because it wasn't actually him. I know a few users reported it to You Tube. Sadly it wouldn't be the first time someone pretended to be a celebrity.
  8. Fruitbat

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    Just finished watching it.. I love the movie its one of my favorites...but I am a SciFi nut..:)
  9. Fruitbat

    Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

    I think its kind of giving the game away to be honest. The only valid reason for him to turn up in the ep would be if something happened to his daughter. Especially as the other guest star is the ER doctor.. I have always felt that she would be the prime target, and after them giving us the...
  10. Fruitbat

    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

    Well I would agree I think this pretty much tells us who will be bitting the dust in ep 25.:( Its who I thought would bite the dust but I wouldn't say I was happy about it.
  11. Fruitbat

    Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

    Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #7-NY: Heroes ~ Voting! Intermediate 11 15 5 7 Advanced 1 2 8 Difficult choice to make they are all great.
  12. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    I think he is supposed to be Craig T's son in the episode. Thad Luckinbill I think??
  13. Fruitbat

    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    Guys I posted pics from ep 21 over on the picture thread...minor spoilers
  14. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    Ep 21 pics for everyone Found on Natty thanks for the caps for this weeks ep :)
  15. Fruitbat

    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

    See my first thought would be that it would be Flack seeing as he wasnt at the wedding.. Then I would have went for Adam or Sid. Dont get me wrong I could see the reasoniong for making it Mac especially after him telling Danny he regreted not having kids with Claire. I just thought the writers...
  16. Fruitbat

    Why take likeable chracters.....

    Must admit the character of Marty Pino didn’t impact that much on me, I had actually forgotten about him. I kind of found the character bland and uninteresting. So I was kind of under whelmed to hear about him coming back. But seeing him return as a corrupted character did seem...
  17. Fruitbat

    Mac/Flack Slash**Squeeze My Hand**

    Yep it has been a little quiet round here cant have that.. *g* Love the pictures...:):)
  18. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    Thanks Natts:):)
  19. Fruitbat

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    Yes its nice to see him fool around. My pleasure.:)
  20. Fruitbat

    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    CSi:Idette Fist of all welcome to the madness....err thread :) Be prepared for lots of pictures and drooling over our favorite CSI. As for info on Gary....please come over and join the insanity over on the Gary thread -- where you will find...