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  1. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    No but your close :)
  2. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    Sorry my bad. Total brain fart moment. Its what I get for replying as I am running out the house, I got Veritas and Hostage confused in my brain. CSIsenna has the right season. Sorry guys..:scream::scream: I will do better. So here is a hint..its season 4. And Sid is talking with Hawkes...
  3. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    Nope sorry wrong season. :(
  4. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    No sorry :( But right season :)
  5. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    I agree. I would prefer to be left guessing rather than them heading headlong down yet another romantic route on the show. It would be crass, OTT and wouldn't do either character or the show as a whole any favors. I think we have had more than enough relationship scripts this season thank you...
  6. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    I love Sid and his glasses :) Sorry no not Personal Foul..:(
  7. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Guys an extended promo for the next ep.. It looks interesting.
  8. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    Sorry no...its not Bad Beat :( but keep trying..:)
  9. Fruitbat

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    I will let you know what I think when I get a chance to watch the ep... It gives me the prefect excuse to watch him more closely...:evil:
  10. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Okay I thought I would weigh in on this one. Mac and Stella..*sigh* Lets see if I can get across what I mean/think/feel about these two. From the outset I was intrigued by the two characters and the relationship between them.. I loved the friendship, the concern, the care they took of each...
  11. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    Well Sid doesnt get much loving round here so
  12. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    Erm That tie looks familiar Green Piece
  13. Fruitbat

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    Yep I wouldn't mind being Kim Delaney (who as nel2h pointed out was in Miami. I liked her in Miami :(....mind you that was at the point I still liked Miami.:lol:.) Lovely pics Sam thanks for posting them ...feel free to post more..:devil: I love this movie..:)
  14. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    OOps sorry guys compleetly forgot about this.:rolleyes: Your both right but Natty got there first..:)
  15. Fruitbat

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Heads up a longer sneak peak at tomorows ep Nice clip of Don :devil:
  16. Fruitbat

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    I would love to get it going was fun even if I wasn't that good at it..:). How about some Hawkes to get us restarted...... Tee there is a caption game still active over on the Shipper thread if your interested... We had a caption...
  17. Fruitbat

    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    You and me both :devil::devil::devil::devil: I loved that end moment as well. Yes I thought he looked really good last night..:drool: I agree we are seeing a softer side of Mac this season and to me for the most part it works, but in a few cases it seems a little off if you get what I mean...
  18. Fruitbat

    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    You missed the first 20 NEED to get it on DVD you missed the shower scene.. Yep I have really loved Garys two ventures into SciFi Impostor and Mission 2 Mars are two of my all time favs.
  19. Fruitbat

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    That happens to me when Channel 5 in the UK shows one of its adds for CSI Sunday and they have a Mac clip in it...I get this goofy grin when I see and hear him.. Nice to know I am not the only one..:) You know you watch to much CSI:NY when you can tell which episode it is from the first few...
  20. Fruitbat

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Welcome to the madness..err insanity..err..well you know what I mean..:) I am sure you will have fun here..