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  1. ECRocks

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    I was in London yesterday so I caught the epi I allready knew it but I liked it. I liked especially Tom <3
  2. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    wasn't it sleepless in miami ?
  3. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    I don't say I hate the season because there is less calleigh ((actually I just hate it there is less calleigh 3 min in the last episode xd) I really begin I love it that natalia gets more screentime she deserves it. I just hate the episode's that i've seen I hope sleepless in miami is a good...
  4. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    I agree I allready hate the season less calleigh is really bad.. But I would love to see Sleepless in miami sounds intressting
  5. ECRocks

    Episode 9x02 - 'Sudden Death' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    WTH was going on with C/E I really toght that when I first saw it. I only saw bits but Ofcourse Travers was the best xD en Natalia Rocked again and champange or wth xD
  6. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** sneak peak from episode 2 <3
  7. ECRocks

    Episode 9x02 - 'Sudden Death' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** sneak peak very fun xD
  8. ECRocks

    Episode 9x01 - "Fallen" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I just saw the ending again END THERE IS A BIG WOLVISTA HUG <3 I loved the epi as I mentioned earlier but I needed to share this info .. xD
  9. ECRocks

    Episode 9x01 - "Fallen" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    It's for halloween xD but in our location is our real name
  10. ECRocks

    Episode 9x01 - "Fallen" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    OMG I loved Travers He is way to funny and H. looking like WTH while Travers does that poem great xD. The whole episode was great especially the teamwork. And the basketball and the begin scene was very sad but very great. I wasn't a real big fan of Jesse but still it's sad to go out of the...
  11. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab** always wanted to see Johantan Togo's House here ya go xD
  12. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Yeah I really could use a team pica there is one without Walter in epi one but still MORE team work people xD
  13. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    For me it always is and will be the beloved Adam Rodriguez xD but Ryan doesn't look bad either I just didn't like him before but he's getting cuter. But as we say everyone got his own opinion xD I love that pic btw the three greatest men of CSI:Miami xD
  14. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    is that Ryan / Johantan double on the background of the 3th pica? it seems to be. He's becoming cuter and I always didn't like him but he is becoming to like for me xD another scene with Adam talking around it. the scene is Adam...
  15. ECRocks

    Eric & Calleigh #38 - Because "IT" Keeps Happening

    for me two more days whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. xDomg i can't wait xD
  16. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    thank you very much this really looks amazing but it's really just telling who's gonna die because the rest wakes up that scene
  17. ECRocks

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    thank ya xxx
  18. ECRocks

    Miami season 8 in the UK

    on which days and on what channel comes csi maimi in UK becaue I'm going to london in 2 and a half week and I would like to see some csi miami Xxxx
  19. ECRocks

    **Season Nine Spoiler Lab**

    Adam looks real yum. I hate being sick no distraction of CSI:Miami epi why so many days 4 days for me
  20. ECRocks

    Emily/Calleigh #13 - SuperCalleighfragilisticexpeEmilicious! another great interview with our pregnant lady xD