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  1. MrsWillows

    Destroyed Remains: LV CSI FanFic

    This just gets better... really, im about to get a heart attack, i really need an update soon, you're just doing great!
  2. MrsWillows

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    Great pics, i love the one where she's posing with the csi doll or whatever it is. lol
  3. MrsWillows

    Puzzle Pieces

    Great update! I cant wait for another chapter!!
  4. MrsWillows

    Destroyed Remains: LV CSI FanFic

    as always... i cant wait for what's next, i do love my GCR, but in this fic, Griss was acting kind of ruth, so he deserves to be treating bad lol PS. thank god the ending is not near!, you're doing just great.
  5. MrsWillows

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    Did you guys watched E!'s SAG fashion police? They actually said "Marg broght the sexy back", but some others didnt like the dress, but the comment that made all worthy was from one of the girsl "When your husband is the SAG president, you can do whatever the hell you want" lol it was really funny
  6. MrsWillows

    I Wouldn't Question Jim Brass

    i really like your fanfics, i love Vartann and Cath together, they´d be such a nice couple. Congratz!
  7. MrsWillows

    And baby makes four...CatNip

    Awwww this fic is really sweet! I cant wait for more!
  8. MrsWillows

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    Oh, Marg is just a great mom, i really liked the fact that Hugh took his GF, they looked cute holding hands. Well, im a little older than Hugh, but i've watched the clip where Marg won, and hell, i cant belive the years! PS. Marg looked so damn cute with her preggers dress!
  9. MrsWillows

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    He was. In fact he's in a picture CatherineWStokes posted in here, he's right on the backround.
  10. MrsWillows

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    I saw him talking with her on the red capter, and you can see him on the backround in on of the pictures on the picture thread.
  11. MrsWillows

    And baby makes four...CatNip

    This is cute. I can see Nick doing that, he's a caring guy.
  12. MrsWillows

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    I am SO not watching her upper back... :devil: Thanks so much CatherineWStokes
  13. MrsWillows

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    ^Billy was great too, all black, but he looked as good as always. And what else i can say about the back... in fact i can, but it's too naughty, so i'll keep it to myself. lol
  14. MrsWillows

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    Oh boy, is she hot or what? She's sitting next to Sally Field, so we got a little from her when Sally gave her "actor speech".
  15. MrsWillows

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    I know... photographer were pleading her to turn around, it was kind of funny. But yeah, the back is the greatest part.
  16. MrsWillows

    Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

    I saw Marg, she's wearing black, i think, straight hair, and i think there's Hugh too! She looks AMAZING! Her backkkkk!!! :eek: Holy Marg!
  17. MrsWillows

    Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

    yay! Im SO watching the ceremony! In a few hours i'll be drooling over my keyboard... :p
  18. MrsWillows

    Hottest Men And Women - Poll

    LV .Warrick .Catherine NY .Flack .Stella Miami .Natalia .Ryan
  19. MrsWillows

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    Definately Las Vegas, it was the fist i watched and i fell in love with the characters. Second would be NY, and third, Miami, wich i dont really like.