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  1. S

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I'm a history major, so I have no clue what the location of the wound tells us about the severity of his wounds. But even if the bullets missed all the arteries and the trachea and esophagus, shouldn't his spine have been somewhere in the trajectory? I think the neck isn't the best body part to...
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    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    But he doesn't even have to try. Being on Gedda's payroll, he's a part of the mob too, right? So even if he killed Warrick with a stapler, it would be a mob hit, just not a stereotypical one. Some further thoughts I had: - Warrick at the crime scene looked like the Hulk. - I hope they don't go...
  3. S

    "For Gedda" Season Finale Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I thought the end was overdone a bit. cuddling team scene way before the end? sure means trouble. Warrick walking to his car in a dark damp lonely back alley behind the restaurant? I have never seen that one on TV before the undersherrif walking through said lonely back alley to the restaurant...
  4. S

    Episode 6x20 - 'Down to the Wire' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    "Frank, it's called Crime Scene Investigation" :lol: This was so cheesy it had a crust. I almost choked on my breakfast laughing so hard. The rest was mainly buildup for next week...
  5. S

    Unhappy Lindsay Fans over Kristine Huntley reviews harsh words.

    It's Google's world, I'm just living in it :lol:
  6. S

    Unhappy Lindsay Fans over Kristine Huntley reviews harsh words.

    I didn't comment until now because I'm only watching CSINY irregularly and only post in the ep. discussions, so I'm kind of an outsider in this discussion. I just wanted to add that I love the fact that even though this thread was meant to stir up a mutiny, all it did was make people show...
  7. S

    "Two and a Half Deaths" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The Hodges and Wendy scene was the highlight of the episode. Favourite line: "I have to choose?" Wendy's expression is priceless I liked the JTS comments and the line about aging women on that's self-referential writing David with the implants...boys will be boys. I think after Nick and...
  8. S

    "The Theory of Everything" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I'm rewatching "Ending Happy" right now... In the scene where Nick finds all the weapons in the hookers' rooms, one of them is a yellow pepper spray can. :lol:
  9. S

    "The Theory of Everything" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Yeah, tanks, that's it. I just rewatched the episode and now I get it. It's like "Hank/Bruno Grissom" in fanfics...
  10. S

    "The Theory of Everything" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Schrödinger the cat, of course (although they named him Shrödinger Martin). I'm not sure what Martin stands for, because the real Schrödinger's first name was Erwin. But then, Bohr's first name wasn't Dave, either :)
  11. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart I guess one half is chasing ghosts in San Francisco and the other half is waiting patiently in Las Vegas for the other half to return. But you already knew that, right? :lol: I'm very tempted to read all the new fics as a bedtime treat, but...
  12. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart yes and no. next epi is Two and a half murder, but it's not yet the finale. That will be the episode after the next. seattle, sorry for causing confusion. I was referring to hellogilbert's spoiler post (my username originally comes from...
  13. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Re: Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart He said October 31, 1996. OT for hellogilbert: I hope my username doesn't disturb you...because that's where it comes from ;) Was I the only one who didn't get the GSR reference in the last scene? I mean he talks about connections between...
  14. S

    "The Theory of Everything" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I loved this episode. Especially the scene with Brass and the IA guy: "poor choice of words" Brass has a oneliner at hands for every situation. the dialogue in the morgue at the beginning was priceless. I loved how Doc Robbins tried to avoid saying "No signs of sexual trauma", but since "You...
  15. S

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    I have mixed feelings about this episode: the good parts: funny scenes with Ziva (jealous? no way...), Tony and McGee and Tony in Iraq (he looked really hot) the WTF parts: why were they all so eager to go to Iraq? Just to get a new reference on their CV? That's a reason to take language...
  16. S

    "Drop's Out" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I was surprised how easily Drops managed to get away from Nick and Brass. Come on, two people guarding him and BOTH turn their backs on him? At least Nick hfelt bad when Grissom called... Overall, it was an OK episode, but I have to agree that the preview for next week looked far more promising
  17. S

    NCIS thread #3 - Shutting up now, Boss

    Yeah the computer scene was priceless... As were the interrogation scenes :lol: especially Abby and McGee And McGee finally adressed the question "How does Gibbs get the boats out?" and even got an answer :eek:
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    Episode #617 - "To Kill A Predator" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    My major WTF moment actually happened before the last scene. When Horatio was talking to the dad of the murdered girl, I had a major ROFL moment at the following dialogue: Horatio: Did you kill those predators? Dad: Are you a parent? Horatio: *stares* Dad: I'd never kill anyone... Horatio...
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    The International Thread

    If everything works out as planned, I'll spend September and October in Canada. Your list just put that pre-travel-dreamy-smile back into my face. Ok, 5 reasons to visit Germany: 1. Berlin: I've been there twice, in 2004 and 2007, and I love it. Berlin breathes history, everyplace you go has...
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    The International Thread

    To quote a German comedian: "I spent 8 years in a Bavarian convent grammar school. 8 years with the Christian Marines. 8 years of Latin. 8 years of Bavarian hardcore-killer-Latin. Anyone here had Latin in school? 8 years of Latin. Today, I wouldn't even be able to order pizza in Latin." It's so...