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  1. S

    New to C.S.I--should I watch it from beginning??

    Same thing with me. I started watching CSI Las Vegas regularly in December, starting from the beginning. I like the slow and steady evolution of the characters, but also of the show itself (camera shots, special effects, style...), so for me, the chronological order was best.
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    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    two words: Butterflied reloaded. I think the case in this episode is going to have "slight similarities" to certain characters' lives and decisions. Sara having hallucinations of the suffering man (the DB) whose wife ran away and then the man turns into Grissom? About Grissom being written...
  3. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    I was going to write you a PM and kindly ask if you could make a video with this song...I should have done so right when I posted the songtext in the song thread, but real life kept me from it. Anyways, the video is just...perfect. Like my brain cinema which self-activates when I hear the song...
  4. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    @seattlegsrfan I've got a new mantra :lol: *it's educational it's educational it's educational* Grissom in a suit? Just educational :D
  5. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Duh...I did it the other way round :p Well, it's too late for tomorrow (the notes will have to do) but I'll try to remember the right order. At age 22, in an M.A. course, I should actually be able to keep focused. I mean I do. Just...not on the course Another sign of advanced GSR madness I...
  6. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    I need help. I need to get my mind out of the GSR gutter and to focus on my real life. Got an exam tomorrow and all I did today was reading fanfiction. Ok, I took some notes (we're allowed to take them with us), but I honestly can't see how I'm going to concentrate on media technology with all...
  7. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Yeah...I'm keeping my fingers crossed (although it is slowing down the typing ;)) I finally got around to watching "Butterflied" today *sigh* The love is SO there...the glances, pensive moody Grissom, more glances and the ending, of course *squeee* So I'm back off to GSR dreamland and...
  8. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Help! My GSR madness keeps intensifying. Tonight I had a GSR dream. Actually, it was more like a complete CSI episode, only without a plot, since my brain kept telling me: "The case is not important, it's just a pretext to get GSR back onscreen". I dreamt the first episode after the strike...
  9. S

    voice double csi cast

    the German dubbing isn't very good either. There are only so many voices to use for a certain character group, so they are use the same voices in different series. Which is very confusing, when you are 1. used to the original voices. In the German dubbing I keep mixing up Nick with Greg and...
  10. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    yes, that's the picture I wanted to link to. Sorry, I didn't know about the hotlinking. I'll keep it in mind I was just trying to get across that they DID get closer than in the previous pics :D not that it would surprise anyone...but it certainly makes me squee every time I see it. Finally...
  11. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    strange, it's working on my computer. It's simply a GBGL kiss picture from try again... or: I also edited the link in my post above, I hope it works now...
  12. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    I hate to state the obvious, but...yes they can :D Closer than that would be NC-17
  13. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    @seattlegsrfan Of course you can offer me condolences, but being from Germany, I haven't got a clue on what. Must be some American sports thing (baseball? football? hockey?), but actually my username has nothing to do with that. It's from my old days of shipping JAG, and I just kept it. Back to...
  14. S

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    It's more like Guten Abend, since it's past 10 pm now... Quincy? He'd make a good guest star on CSI ("I already swabbed blood stains when you were but a glint in your father's eye, son!", or maybe "DNA? Bah, Humbug!")
  15. S

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    Hi, I used to be a lurker, too. As I've already written on the GSR thread, this forum is helping me a lot in finding distraction from a dull university course I'm stuck in until February. I started to watch the episodes in chronological order (started S4 today), so my schedule is tightly packed...
  16. S

    Grissom & Sara #32: With Every Beat of My Heart

    Hello everybody, After lurking around for a couple of months I finally decided to register :) Reading this board - and especially this thread - has helped me a lot in distracting me from a dull university course I'm stuck in until February. At first I only watched CSI for light...
  17. S

    Best Sara/Grissom song

    I heard this on the radio a couple of days ago and it's amazing how it fits Grissom's perspective and GSR in general: Lenny Kravitz - I'll be waiting He broke your heart He took your soul You're hurt inside Because there's a hole You need some time To be alone Then you will find What you...