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  1. G

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ Crap...I'm not all that far along in watching the Miami reruns yet...Dammit...Now I'm all excited about Y/H and it's not to be???...TPTB are mean... GT;(
  2. G

    Horatio & Yelina Thread #4 ~The Romantic Real Deal~

    Re: Horatio & Yelina #4 ~'The Romantic Real Deal'~ I just started watching CSI:Miami in reruns...OMG...How cute are Horatio & Yelina???...They're breaking my heart...And could we PLEASE get rid of Ray Sr???...Sheesh...First he's dead, then he's not...Butthead...And how sweet was all that with...
  3. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate Hit and Run, I agree you've hit (pun intended) on a great point...With no "canon" ship, there was so much more fun in innuendo...I have always thought Griss & Cath might've had a lil sumthin'sumthin' way back when, but decided they preferred being friends...But that's...
  4. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate I completely understand your position...And I respect your right to enjoy GSR... However...*I* do not feel compelled to accept nor enjoy that particular storyline simply because the writers wrote it...It doesn't make sense to me...I thereby reject it, just as I would...
  5. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate Wow, haven't been here in a bit... In answer to your question Sara_Grissom_Fan, you "see" GSR in every remark & glance, I don't...You want to believe in GSR, I don't...You enjoy GSR, I don't... See...I see it for what it is...A story written by TPTB...Period...It...
  6. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate I totally agree! Really bad MarySue-ish fiction. I'm scared to see how they mess up Season 7...<shivers> :confused:
  7. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate Well, it looks like TPTB have decided to address continuity issues that arose over the Season 6 finale...YTDAW just added a spoiler regarding "pre Vegas GSR"... Thoughts? <edited to remove hint of mild spoiler>
  8. G

    Fanfic Request/Ideas, Recommendation & Showcase

    Re: Fanfiction Request, Reccomendation, & Showcase I've read all of Cincoflex & VRTrakowski's Brass/Lady Heather fics...AWESOME...Problem is, now I'm dying to read more fics with these 2 very sexy characters...Anybody else write these two in flirty/love or fun drabble?...Ficlets, one-offs...
  9. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate It was what he was wearing in the pre-credits when Brass asks where his people are & Griss says they were all on cases & he was on a date...Its the episode where the cabbie gets jumped by a mob who thinks he's leaving after a stabbed boy walks in from of his cab &...
  10. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate I realize that GSR is based on the belief that both Grissom & Sara are "drawn to each other & belong together cuz its so beautiful to watch the dance of her approaching & him retreating & he does that because she's the only one who can hurt him", but...Mebbe that's why...
  11. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate Hmmm...I thought that as well...But in my mind that would mean that he was sorta sharing a "private inside joke" with himself at Sara's expense...Yet again...Which, if that's true, would be pretty damned cruel, no?...And yet one more reason for me to think "GSR...
  12. G

    To Ship or Not to Ship

    I agree, Amanda... Besides, "canon" is really at the whim of TPTB...What's "canon" today could be killed off in an instant if TPTB decide its not what they want anymore...Heck, it happens ALL the time...Which is why I'm glad I don't ship GSR, cuz right now I'd be REALLY on edge... Having been...
  13. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate Don't get me started... 1. When? 2. How? 3. Does she know about LH? 4. How have they managed to keep "and its not so new" a secret when the very nature of thier coworkers is to "follow the evidence"??? 5. How have they kept it from Ecklie? 6. Whose bedroom was that...
  14. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate Wow!...You've said exactly what I've thought...Glad to know it wasn't just me feeling this way...And as far as it "not being so new", I think the writers were being lazy...
  15. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate
  16. G


    This show has kept me cracking up from episode 1...LOVE it...Can't wait for its return!
  17. G

    New shows 2006/2007

    I've been following "So You Wanna Be A SuperHero"...It's a reality show where folks come in costume & Stan Lee (creator of X-Men, etc) moves them through a series of challenges to decide who will get to be his next superhero in a comic book...Its corny, but kinda fun, too...
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    New shows 2006/2007

    Not really sure, but I think September...It sounds really good...Its the guy from Six Feet Under playing Dexter...When I saw the promo it made me think CSI meets Suspect Zero... I saw a promo for it on the Showtime website if you're interested...
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    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate See, that's why when folks say they definitely "can't see GG/LH", I remind them that truthfully, LH is the furthest we've ever seen GG go in terms of voluntarily seeking a potential love interest out (yes, he asked Teri Miller out, but he sorta gave up after the...
  20. G

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Re: The Great Ship Debate My fantasy ship!!!...But best believe, TPTB would have to be willing to take a huge risk...Dunno if they would...Why?...Cuz people who criticize this ship simply do NOT understand that LH DOESN'T have sex with her submissives...D/s is certainly about a fetish that...