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  1. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    Lovely pictures WhosLaughingNow, thanks for posting them and no, I hadn't seen the before either. He looks mighty fine doesn't he, but what the hell is he wearing on his feet?? :lol: And as for the dorky walk - personnally I'm going for the massive bollocks theory....
  2. Twinkletoes

    Grade 'Hostage'

    I wonder if the absence of any D/L stuff in this episode - despite the promise that there would be - suggets that the writers still have no idea what to do with them as a couple.....
  3. Twinkletoes

    Welcome Elsie to the NY Forum!

    Yay Elsie. What a great choice :D You've contributed so much to this board already, its going to be fantastic with you alongside Top. This is such good news. I love the character of this board and with you as moderator I know it's not going to change. *wipes brow in relief* :thumbsup: ETA...
  4. Twinkletoes

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    Exactly. I think we might have heard about it if Gary Sinise was about the leave the show....
  5. Twinkletoes

    Unhappy Lindsay Fans over Kristine Huntley reviews harsh words.

    :guffaw::guffaw: Very good detective work Kimmychu.... :lol: Oh and *hugs* Top, this whole thread is just daft...
  6. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    LMAO!! That has to be one of the most ridiculous pictures I've ever seen :lol: I can just imagine the fun they had trying to get the right shot: "No, Carmine can you try and look even more dorky in the next one please...."
  7. Twinkletoes

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    Great stuff Redsiren, thanks for the link :D
  8. Twinkletoes

    A Fond Farewell From Mrs. G

    I've missed you Mrs G. It'll be good to see you and your dirty mind back here.... :lol:
  9. Twinkletoes

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    To be honest, the show sounds ghastly - I presume Carmine only did it to raise the profile of the band. Smartarses making fun of/belittling people's problems is not entertainment IMO. Anyway, thanks a lot Top to you and origin-nknwn for letting us know what Carmine had to say. Despite the...
  10. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    I looked over at Amazon but couldn't find it....:(
  11. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    ^^^ Thanks Rad!! You can always rely on me for the smutty comment I'm afraid.... :D
  12. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    What? And go from a dry spell to a wet patch??? :devil::lol:
  13. Twinkletoes

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    Hang on, hang on....Elsie and origin-nknwn, you're both in the UK right? How come you've got your t-shirts and I haven't got mine???? :( Bloody postal service *sulk*
  14. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    As Dawni said, the storyline itself was so engrossing that any visual delights were secondary which says something for the power of the couple's acting. Focussing on Danny as mere sex object would have indicated a failure on Carmine's part to communicate the powerful emotion and pathos of the...
  15. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    Oh my, oh my, those are fairly bloody sensational origin-nknwn, especially the second one where his trousers seem to be hanging just that little bit lower and you can see the trail of fluff leading down from his tummy button. *fans self furiously* Good lord, it's hot in here all of a sudden...
  16. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    It's interesting isn't it that Danny/Carmine's glorious exposure of flesh has been met with a muted response here - if one compares our reaction with the outbreak of mass hysteria and drooling that accompanied his scene in Mrs Azreal. It seems that the sensational sight of Danny/Carmine's naked...
  17. Twinkletoes

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    A customs charge?? We have to pay a customs charge?? Bloody hell. I mean, I'm awfully fond of Carmine but that ends up being one hell of a lot to pay for a friggin' t-shirt.... :wtf:
  18. Twinkletoes

    Grade 'Right Next Door'

    Just as well we know what you're talking about Fay, otherwise that would be a very strange sentence indeed :D The weird thing about the whole D/L stuff is that neither actor knew what the outcome of their scenes were going to be either. I've said this before so sorry for repeating myself but...
  19. Twinkletoes

    Did Danny Cheat? *416 Spoilers*

    I don't think Danny had the first idea that Lindsay felt so strongly about him. Had he done so I think he might have reconsidered the night with Rikki. I think he believed that theirs was just a friendship, perhaps a friendship with with extras, but certainly not an exclusive deep, passionate...
  20. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    Lovely caps Elsie, thank-you :D However, I'm afraid my first reaction to those photos was 'he's got a spice rack in his kitchen???' I would never have pegged Danny as a masterchef.... :lol: