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  1. Twinkletoes

    Is the Old Danny Back?

    Let's hope so Fan123 although I think it's still a bit too early too tell....
  2. Twinkletoes

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    I think there's such an emphasis on Danny's grief in the synopsis that any idea of his taking advantage seems unrealistic. If he did I agree it would be truly horrible but it doesn't sound as though its set up like that. If they do go for it it might be more of a 'two souls united by a shared...
  3. Twinkletoes

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    Well they're certainly not planning for her to be ugly, that's for sure :lol:
  4. Twinkletoes

    Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Thread

    Re: Carmine Giovinazzo Discussion: The Non-Locker Room Threa ^^^^ I agree, he looks uncomfortable in the extreme. But I think his first instinct is to support Mac, even if he might not agree with what he's doing.
  5. Twinkletoes

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    This episode sounds as though its going to be terrific and, as you all say, will give Carmine a chance to shine at what he's best at. Thank goodness TPTB seem to have finally realised that messing around with one of their key characters (no pun intended) was not getting them any friends...
  6. Twinkletoes

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    Hey! How come Danny wasn't in those still shots?? *pouts* Come to think of it I don't think Flack was either.....
  7. Twinkletoes

    New CSI:NY Credits Love or Hate?

    I find the video divisive; its meant to be an ensemble piece so why prioritise Stella and Mac? I too feel there is too little Danny, but then again I would, wouldn't I? But seriously, the whole second part of the sequence, after the title, seems terribly rushed. I don't mind the beginning of...
  8. Twinkletoes

    Grade 'The Deep'

    ROFL!!!! Priceless.... :lol: :lol:
  9. Twinkletoes

    Grade 'The Deep'

    I'll give it a A- as it was hugely enjoyable but complete hokum. Scuba divers? Give me a break, these guys are meant to be forensic scientists not supermen, and I somehow doubt that it was Carmine and Hill in those diving suits. :) The Staten Island joke at the beginning made me laugh - I like...
  10. Twinkletoes

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers: Hot Off The Press!

    ...and I liked Eddie and Hill larking about with the torch too :lol: Great link. Thank you :D
  11. Twinkletoes

    The Naughty Picture Thread-Ny Style!

    Danny: "Okay...I'm ready....."
  12. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    To be honest I think Carmine may have just scraped his knuckles. I think we're giving TPTB far too much credit here...
  13. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    ^^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    *grasps Lorelai's helping hand with gratitude* No...thank-you...really, I'm feeling a little better now....I'm sure I'll be able to cope... :p
  15. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    Lorelai you are the best person in the whole world!! I would hug you but I can't get up off the floor. My God he looks gorgeous; those lashes, that chewable bottom lip, the nuzzeable neck, not to mention the furry chest. I think I'm having palpitations here.... :p
  16. Twinkletoes

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    Ouch! Poor baby.... Now Lorelai, at the risk of being called horribly greedy, I don't suppose you have any caps from that sequence you've got in your banner have you? It's just that his eyelashes look soooo beautiful. Please? Pretty please??? ;)
  17. Twinkletoes

    Those Pesky Ratings

    LMAO!! For a moment there I was thinking "GSR? Gun shot residue???" I'm definitely watching too much CSI these days... :lol:
  18. Twinkletoes

    CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

    Well whatever you're using the pics are fantastic!! Thank-you so very much.... :D
  19. Twinkletoes

    Those Pesky Ratings

    Has there been much promotion for the new series? Surely any promotion, or conspicuous lack of it, would make a huge difference to ratings?
  20. Twinkletoes

    Grade 'Can You Hear Me Now?'

    I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but what the hell is Mac doing on his own in a hotel in London? Why isn't he staying with Peyton? Or her family? And where the hell is she? Certainly not sharing his bed.....