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  1. RanMa

    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    ^What about Mac and crunk in S1? Heeeeeeeeeee. Took me awhile to figure that out :lol: And oh, congrats on the new thread! Wooh!
  2. RanMa

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    I want Gary curls, dammit! :scream: But I guess it's not for Mac. Too uptight to let go of his curly-curls, I suppose. And yeah, I thought his S2 hair was cropped really short as well.
  3. RanMa

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    You're welcome, FB! I'm always a sucker for candid G/M pics. I remember their behind-the-scenes photos for MIA/NYC Nonstop. They both looked lovely. Gary has 'burns! Here's another one of them Gary/Melina pics: I think this was taken backstage in the Steppenwolf charity event. Can't...
  4. RanMa

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Heh. I don't post as much as I used to. RL has a way of catching up. Yeah, I love me some off-cam Gary/Melina pics as well. Hell, I love any pic with Gary :p
  5. RanMa

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    They were at the Dodger Stadium at a CBS Stars Party, promoting NY which puts this pic some 4 years ago as they were still actively promoting the show. There is a series of these shots, I think one of them has Gary with a mitt on his left hand. I'll go look at my files :) ETA pics: Found 'em!
  6. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" ^That last line is teeming with all sorts of meanings. As if it's trying to tell me something :devil: It could be read several ways but really, can you substitute that name with anyone else's? I think not! *in a sMacked mood because of Traci's...
  7. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" Man, I had a S3 'thon over the weekend and even though Peyote was there, my sMacked heart still threw confetti everywhere after I was done. Consequences, The Ride In and Sleight Out of Hand featured some of the tastiest sMack in that season, hmmm-hmmm...
  8. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" ^I've just put up a pressie. Look for "thefirthyone" in youtube. Enjoy the sMack! Will add more scenes soon :thumbsup:
  9. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" Damn, that was one sMacky ep :bolian: Like some of you have said, the scene where Stella correctly guesses how Mac's and Reed's meeting went down, is worth seeing again and again. I love how glib and sort-of-sarcastic Mac was but Stella wasn't budging...
  10. RanMa

    Grade 'Taxi'

    A lot of what I think about the ep has been said already so I'll just focus on a couple of things. Dude, that was Ryan Locke? What happened to him? He used to be the pretty. I remember seeing him on some TV program: he was touted as one of the hottest models of the time. Years and years ago...
  11. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" So I just saw the part in the latest episode where Flack makes the 'you been working too long together' comment. And yeah, WTH was that all about? :wtf: What's up with the seeming tension, Mac? I like it! :evil:
  12. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" Also, it showed that they were true partners. I love how they coordinated and complemented each other on that ep. Such chemistry! I wonder how this season's finale will go...
  13. RanMa

    CSI: NY Season 4 Spoilers! Discussion in the Big Apple

    Tru dat.^ I remember seeing him in The X-Files. He was a supersoldier who eventually disintegrated in the desert in the series finale /xfgeek Anyhow, I saw the cast list on the other thread for the finale. I'm glad the two women who recently popped up in Mac's life aren't included. Coz...
  14. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" You're welcome! Just PM me if you want more of the same stuff :devil: (and that goes for the rest of y'all) I'll do my best to update. Right now I can't decide about that Quinn wuman --- she seems to know Mac from way, way back and/of which Stella...
  15. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" ^^You're welcome mj! My first thought when I got the ep was to look for that scene and post it on 'tube asap :lol: Can anybody enlighten me on what she says after refusing him? Before Flack spoke? No matter how many times I've tried to decipher it...
  16. RanMa

    Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

    Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" The hug! :thumbsup: Go to youtube and look for the username "thefirthyone" Mac and Stella are so lovely together. And yes, she did give him a peck. Wheee! *still hasn't seen the whole ep yet*
  17. RanMa

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    I actually miss his ties...but yeah, Casual!Mac or FormalWear!Mac is all good :bolian: Course, Nekkid!Mac is the bestest, heh. You know what else I really miss? His sideburns!!! Hey wait, is that FB running in? Soooo, what do you guys think of Mac in the latest season? Makes me...
  18. RanMa

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Favorite Gary film. Hmm. I'd say Impostor for obvious reasons :bolian: Next would be Of Mice and Men for me. I always *always* cry at the ending, for both George and Lenny *sniff*
  19. RanMa

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Happy, happy birthday Mr. Sinise! :beer:
  20. RanMa

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Oooh, Ransom! Yeah, he was such a badass in that film. Of all the scenes there, what I remember most is the phone-tag convo between him and Gibson. His voice gave me the heebeejeebees, hehe. But in a good way!