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  1. luvspeed

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    The Dark Knight Rises Great movie! I'm sad that this is the last Batman film Nolan is doing, but it was a great conclusion to the trilogy. I had my doubts about Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, but she was so cool. I recommend it.
  2. luvspeed

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    "For Greater Glory"- I thought it was great! An interesting interpretation of a piece of Mexican history. You really cared about the characters during the film, at least I did.
  3. luvspeed

    In Plain Sight- Witness. Protection.

    i didn't like how this ended. i don't know...i just didn't like it at all. oh well....
  4. luvspeed

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    "Avengers"! it's gotta be my favorite superhero movie so far! i really want to see it again! XD
  5. luvspeed

    Once Upon A Time about Emma refusing to believe? Gosh she made me so angry! What is it going to take for her to believe?! Grrr...I feel bad for August though. I can't blame him for leaving Emma, he was just a kid.
  6. luvspeed

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    The Raven It was actually pretty cool. I'm not gonna say it was the greatest movie ever, but I enjoyed myself. I'd give it a B+
  7. luvspeed

    Once Upon A Time

    Even though August isn't Bae, that scene where Gold was saying he was sorry really made my heart break. amazing job, Robert Carlyle:thumbsup:. I still don't like the Pinocchio idea, but he probably is. i hope that next season we see Bae all grown-up, i really want to know what happened to him...
  8. luvspeed

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    I saw "Lockout". LOVED IT! it was funny and it had alot of action! my two favorite things in a movie :cool:.
  9. luvspeed

    Once Upon A Time

    Two thought just came to me: 1) you know how we find out in the ep. "Skin Deep" that True Love's Kiss can break any curse? Well I was thinking about Emma and Graham, when she kissed him and he remembered everything. Was that True Love's Kiss at work? That would suck if it was cuz that would...
  10. luvspeed

    Once Upon A Time

    i'm still trying to figure out how Emma is supposed to break the curse. what will happen if everyone got their memory back? will they still be stuck in Storybrooke?
  11. luvspeed

    Once Upon A Time

    you never know, we might see her soon. especially with the preview for next episode where Regina accuses Mr.Gold of "breaking a deal"'s hoping! just curious, does anyone have a theory about who August is? i've heard all kinds of theories like he's Gepetto or Pinochio(which i really...
  12. luvspeed

    Once Upon A Time

    i think i'd be mad a Snow at first. but you can't blame her she was just a kid, she didn't know better. if you're gonna hold a grudge with someone it should've been with Cora. did anyone else catch Cora's speech where she talked about all the "Deals" she's made? I wonder if Cora made and...
  13. luvspeed

    Once Upon A Time

    my favorite episode so far is "Skin Deep" the Rumpelstiltskin/Belle episode. he is going to be sooooooo angry when he finds out Belle is still alive. i don't understand why he believed Regina in the first place, she lies all the time and she's the Evil Queen for a reason :)
  14. luvspeed

    The Walking Dead

    oh i didn't even catch that!:lol: so what did you guys think of the season finale? I thought it was amazing!
  15. luvspeed

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    I saw John Carter also. I had sooo much fun watching this movie, especially in 3D! i recommend it :)
  16. luvspeed

    The Walking Dead

    I agree! i was actually jumping for joy when they killed Shane. It was bound to happen because you can't have 2 Alpha males. I thought that scene was done beautifully.
  17. luvspeed


    this friday's episode(i've only seen the preview) Arthur asks Gwen to marry him and Lancelot returns, but Merlin suspects something's wrong. That's as far as we've gone...
  18. luvspeed

    BBC Sherlock Series

    ^I like your idea for Lestrade better! the role of the bad cop...that actually sounds cool. :thumbsup: wait...isn't Sherlock a consulting detective? he was never part of Scotland Yard...:confused:
  19. luvspeed


    i didn't like it at all. i only watched one episode and i was done. i miss Ianto
  20. luvspeed


    who has been keeping up with this season? So far my favorite is the one where Merlin finds the dragon egg