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  1. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    That isn't the pics i have as one shows an amazing view outside and the dog Duke and another one
  2. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Thanks for that and now i must go to the site and collect the rest of the Jonathan Togo pics but there was three pics of the inside of his house which i dobut aren't gonna be shown due to privacy i guess.. I asked Daniel last night about DVD and he'd let me know in a few days or so..
  3. ForestAngel

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    Nope lol Just had to watch Ransom
  4. ForestAngel

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    Damn you media player why won't you copy Deep Shadows And Brilliant Highlights?? Friggin' hate you so much right now!!
  5. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Oh right there's a lot i haven't seen Jon in apart from Miami and SU2 along with Mystic River.
  6. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Yeah once i get more news about the DVD - it goes here. I had never seen that pic before until Jacky sent me it via email..
  7. ForestAngel

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    When you find a really funny blooper from season 7 and see Danny in clown shoes and Flack's stomach rumbling for food amongst other funny stuff.
  8. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    There is an added package with the DVD according to Daniel... Has anyone got any idea what show or movie my profile pic is from? Kinda stumped by it right now...
  9. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ I've sent an PM to Daniel tonight and see what happens but he has mentioned about something for die cast fans
  10. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Maybe the details on FB are scarce..^^ Jacky you friggin' rule that Jon pic freakin' sweet...
  11. ForestAngel

    Video games

    Well when i buy games in CEX and it depends on what they have for sale but i look for Playstaion 2 games and Wii games as well or maybe DVD's and most are selling for under twenty pounds ( sterling ) and i get my CSI dvd's from CEX and sometimes HMV as it depends on price and whether or not i...
  12. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    For now yeah and also the die cast fans are also getting something along with the DVD as i found out to my joy a few months ago ^^
  13. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    It's who you know and i also follow Daniel on Twitter too ^ Seriously pining for Jon but alas he isn't on my CSI Sunday list epis for tonight.. ><
  14. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    According to Daniel, it is still planned as we talked about it last night on Facebook in IM's.
  15. ForestAngel

    Season 8 in the UK?

    Really enjoyed this epi and great to see Mac back in the lab again and case was quite good
  16. ForestAngel

    The RANT And I Can't Say This Aloud #4

    Left arm stop being so numb and limp as i need you to type on keyboard SOB
  17. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Re: Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’ Yeah it's still going and handy when you have the director as a FB friend
  18. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    This is a teaser before the topless one and of course one of Jon smoking mmm
  19. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    ^^ Ok ok^^ Behind the scenes or topless Togo?
  20. ForestAngel

    Ryan/Jon #31 - Takes a Lickin’ and Keeps on Tickin’

    Who wants to see some behind the scenes pics or the seriously topless dancing Togo?