I also agree with hiphugger17 and snowbunny.I stopped watching the moment I knew Adam was going to leave.I like that at the end of last season he was acting more in charge and confident.His head injury was nice becouse we were able to see a vulnerable...
The current title is great but I also like :"We take care of our own".We said before that the team is like a family and I am sort of nostalgic becouse of JJ so my vote goes for that one.
Thanks for the sneak peak,Hnstetlerfan.:)
Thanks for the videos,Erica.
Anyone think there would be some follow up about Catherine bringing Haskell back and posteriorly him attacking Langston? Marg would be great for a little drama.:)
I also like Eric and Horatio relationship.Since the start ,they have always had a strong connection.Marisol storyline is something else but them working together sounds good to me.Erica Sykes is great news ,too.She at least can draw attention.
I also can not wait for the premiere!! I have not been watching much of CBS lately so I have missed almost all the promos except when someone is so kind to post it here,so thanks.I need my Hotch and Morgan fix NOW.
Twwets are funny
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'
I agree ladywillows.Finally Catherine has found a good one.She is my fave and I think she has chemistry with anyone but her being treated well is my priority.:)
I do not care either way for Lindsay but for sure she in not the character that would me make me care about the premiere.Now that the show lost Stella ,Sela Ward character should be the female lead.
I agree with Byline.In the past ,I cancelled everything on thursday to make sure I could watch CSI .I still think is a very good show but things change.Nate Haskell is really a great villain but I am not impressed with the Ray\Haskell thing for another season.Paul Milander was amazing becouse...
Thanks for the interview,hnstetlerfan.:) Now I am really curious about the secrets the team is hiding from each other.Whatever it is , I want the team to remain close.Character interactions are key on this show.
I did not liked much reading about a new face,considering I am already missing...
Thanks for the article. If Marg is happy ,that is enough for me.And I am really trying to be supportive but I am really going to miss her.She was amazing since the pilot until now.:(