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  1. only_true_love

    "Goodbye & Good Luck" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    tissues gsr_rulz ??? I'm really in shock right now. Great episode but cant believe the ending like many others. Not your typical goodbye from a major character. ugh. I feel like pigging out on junk food I'm so upset with the way it ended.
  2. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    ok I'm in a bit of shock right now. *shudders* Not what i expected at ALL. It was good to see our boys and the sexual lubricant reaction was PRICELESS!!! ok I really need some cheering up right now!!! I'm going offline for a bit but be back soon!
  3. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    The more and more I think about George bring up wanting his character getting a girlfriend the more i think it was a BIG fat LIE!!!! And was also intentionally said. As someone ha said he could get in trouble. So why say it then. I think it was intentionally done like rumors that Sara was...
  4. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Well sucker I still had believed Nicky was straight at that time. lol *blushes from embarrassment* Jealous Greg can be good but I really rather if this girl is suppose to be some interest that its more of Nicky admiring the work that she does. Like a hero-worship thing. Now if any surprising...
  5. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    I'm not worried about the spoiler, even if the writers strike doesnt last long. If that spolier info. even happens it will be short. Just another ewwww-y Kristy incident. Minus the shuddering love scene. She wont last either. Ronnie is a prime example. Nick is just struggling with coming...
  6. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Welcome jay! Its not just that Nick doesnt say something when others bring up some hot girl. Its also what he does say. You can almost tell he's trying to cover himself so he can keep his "ladies man" title.
  7. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINS!!!! :D :D :D What do you all think if Nick and Greg got married, what would the commitment ceremony would be like??? And what would their first dance be to what song??? *can't help but still smile :D :D :D thinking of the wedding chapel episode*
  8. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    I think it will be somewhat emotional between the to of them when she leaves. They have flirted somewhat. And even maybe Greg had a bit of a crush. But crushes can be just that. Plus I think if the rest of the team doesnt know or suspect Greg & Nick are together Sara does. Now call me...
  9. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Greg was adorable but he always is. The pink shirt was really sweet but we need to see him in leather pants!!! hehehehe And *hugs* to Wojo for the screencaps. :)
  10. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Well actually Nick is copying Luke's look. For all those who are saying who? Luke is one half of Nuke from ATWT and he's openly gay. Twins actually brought this up to me. I want to give credit where credit is due. But its totally true. The backwords cap and Nick wearing stripe shirts. He's...
  11. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    I love this episode. Not a lot of The Love but I wasnt expecting it so not a let down. Next week I might be a little sad but if I seem down just remeind me of the wedding chapel and Nick and Greg!!! That will sooooo cheer me up! Speaking of the chapel and the whole thing that gay marriage...
  12. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    And sooooo much fun we will likely have with the RPG esp. with the wedding chappel episode. i know I'm on this again but I havent been this giddy. *sigh* Starts to sing: Going to the chapel and greg and Nick might get married. Going to the chapel and they are going to get married. :)
  13. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Awwww QOTU good to see you post even though your going back to your novel. Is anyone excited about tonights crossover with without a trace??? I saw Nicky in one of the preview for a split second but no Greg! :( But I'm not giving up hope!!! *sigh* The more I think about th chapel epi. I...
  14. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Actually I could see Nick saying something and leaving Greg just standing there stunned. I say stunned since I'm going on that either that they may not be together or have been dating causually and they havent been exclusive. Nick would say, " We definately will and he *pointing to Greg* will...
  15. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    With all the wonderful spoiler info. I wonder does this mean that the powers that be are coming out of their comas??? Maybe they have been reading what we post, and if so.... *coughpleasecoughdontcoughmesscoughupcoughthecoughweddingcoughchapelcoughepisodecough* *sigh* Christmas is a good...
  16. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Thanks for the spoiler Wojo!!! I cant wait now for the episode!!!! So many possiblities!!!!!! And dont feel bad for being a Sandle fan. I was a Sonic fan before a fan of The Love. If everyone remembers when Greg talking on the phone to some "girl" he was seeing and Nick came in to get...
  17. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    ohhhh I just noticed something from the individual pics above the one from Stuff magazine. If you look oyu can see that their smile is same. Both have the same sides of their mouths "curling" up on the same side. I bring this up b/c they say the longer you've been with someone you start to...
  18. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    hehehehe LOVE the pics of the boys!!!! In the pic. from Stuff magazine, what is Nick holding???? And the whole thing with Nick and Kristy I always thought was odd. I do believe he cared about her and that he thought she was getting out of the hooking business. But I think they really got...
  19. only_true_love

    Episode #607: 'Chain Reaction' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Re: Episode #607 'Chain Reaction' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** lol When he came on I looked to my mom and we both mouthed Kevin. He is a hottie. Didnt like what was revealed on the tape the Natalia got. *shudders* I was a bit proud the way she got the tapes. Maybe that was just me though. I was...
  20. only_true_love

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #17

    Twins~ LOVE LOVE the video!! :D :D :D And thanks for the explination. I have ventured in other ship threads too, to see what they all say. --- question for you all~ When did you realize that Greg and Nick were gay or at least bi??? For me I always felt Greg character was bi for as long as I...