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  1. candygirl1uk


    I know five episodes dont sound alot but you really do need to see the last two episodes of Doctor Who to understand Torchwood. Apparently its going to be shown over 5 days... Yummy cant wait. Ahh i love the man kissing. CSI Kate Yummy.... Why cant Nick and Greg, or Danny and Flack do...
  2. candygirl1uk

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    Excellent news all around for all Greg fans then. More nick and greg cases are the best!
  3. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    That is true my friend... Hmm how far behind are the Eric interviews? Will they continue when he's working schedule starts? Or have they stopped? The thought of seeing Eric on his erockster and Greg on my TV is a good thing....:drool:
  4. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    LOL Wojo im glad I crack ppl up... been cracking up for a while now lol See lol the writers/producers/whoever have been reading my posts!! Employ me already... lol.
  5. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Well I hope that he does!. Mr szmanda is a talent, come on dude and write lol. If QT can put our Nicky Wicky in a box... Then Mr Szmanda can give Greg air time.!! :guffaw: *please note* due to technical difficuties the poster didnt want to talk about Nick Stokes, but needed to say Nicky...
  6. candygirl1uk

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    OMG! people I've sooo not posted for a few days (started college! yay go me!) Right regarding that love moment~ once again it came from George and Eric. They enjoy playing subtexual moments for us love fans. Re knowing- for sure Catherine, Brass, Hodges, Archie, Sara, Bobby and Warrick...
  7. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

    Oh lovely pics of our Mr Szmanda!
  8. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    We can all only hope for that right? Mr Szmanda is a very talented beautiful man, even if I say so myself.
  9. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Hahahaha, well sitting there interviewing the group~ black kids~ something popped into my tiny brain cell. :bolian: His confidence has shot up, having a little joke or two with the band, yes much much better. Damn I really liked how he was sitting, althought I did fear that he might end up...
  10. candygirl1uk

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    Continuity error thats all I'm gonna say. The I love you- pure subtexual moments. Yes TPTB knew. Greg might've had a few boyfriends/girlfriends before Nick but nothing serious. Nick hmm, I dont know. Regardless they're so in love, that nothing will stop them from being together. Not...
  11. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Hahahahaha funny! I was like omg its soo small, but i clicked enlarge. Can anyone say how handsome and well handsome he was just sitting there in that position? I really love his trainers/sneakers Eric can i have a pair? Thanks... :shifty:
  12. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Hey Dizzy thanks for the up with the new video. Hmm but why is it soo small? I need a mangifing glass to se Mr Szmanda!!!
  13. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Well ladies maybe that will change next season. Somehow I doubt it though lol. I posted my letter to Eric~ I included an addressed envelope for a reply!!! Well ladies, lets see what Mr Szmanda says, if anything.. When I have a reply (if I do!) I'll somehow put it up here..OR maybe someone...
  14. candygirl1uk

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    Yeah I also think that Nick doesnt want him out in the field cause he cant keep his eye on his *eye candy*. LOL Seriously though, we know that the lab wasnt that safe, but Nicky probably didnt want Greg to go into the field cause he cares about him a lot and because its nicer for Nick to...
  15. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Ahh, see I didnt know that, I know that jocks can get a full scholarship like Nicky, but I thought it was cause Greg was poor!! It is true we really do not know what drives Greg besides just the excitement of the job. But now that he has seen so many horrible things and seeing himself and...
  16. candygirl1uk

    Edit Your Post CSI Style

    This post was edited because Ask Ausiello had an exclusive behind the scenes interview about the cliff hanger.. Who shot Warrick! This post was edited because Grissom becomes a love interest of more than two women. This post was edited because the cliff hanger on last seasons' CSI NY...
  17. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Exactly!!! Every other main character in CSI has background history, all we have is hm, his hobbies and he was bored in the lab. Oh and the lab explotion. It wasn't untill season 7 that we had at least one and a bit story lines, and then TPTB made Greg responsible. Justice or what? We dont...
  18. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Szmokin' Hot Pic Thread #6

    Dizzney~ thanks for the pics I snagged most of them. Hmm, Eric/Greg with dark hair just hmm is the best.
  19. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Hm that is true (Ladies you've posted when I'be been sleeping lol) To get a full ride to College/Uni whatever a person needs to be from a poorer family right? But as Greg grew up in San Gabriel isnt that a middle class area? The median income for a household in the city was $41,791, and the...
  20. candygirl1uk

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

    Yeah thats how my bed is, matress on the florr lol. Totally thats how Greg sleeps to. Of course his bedroom is a mess, totally, clothes everywhere. Greg in my mind is abit like me, messy and not housebroken yet. Yes I'd like to hang out with Greg but also Eric. Seems a nice person. I'm...