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  1. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Hi everyone! I miss posting here. :) Can you tell me when the photo below was taken? Or rather can you give me a larger scale of this one? Thanks. >> Oh btw, there are new photos over at JFO site.
  2. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Thanks so much! :adore:
  3. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    ^ Oh dear, thanks for posting. Big hugs jtd and Liv89. :luvlove:
  4. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    'BITTERSWEET' has full of Sara. I should've post the whole video here but it is not possible (& i don't know how) :lol: Just a little some here: Ugh! the ending... :adore: Enjoy.
  5. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Not much to cap of Sara in Tell-Tale Hearts ^ :) :) Awesomeness?!? ....How about this?... Her jorjeousness! ;)
  6. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Finally, i was able to watched this epi. And some caps for you. She is awesome... I mean she said 'awesome' here... Oh,anyway she is just...totally..absolutely..(hmm, what's the word Inxs? );) Hi, back! :)
  7. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Aaahh... i miss posting here. How are you all? Enjoy the weekend everyone! :)
  8. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    This was posted by Lanos at YTDAW. Thanks. :adore:
  9. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Sara in 'In a Dark, Dark House'
  10. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Another set from Unleashed. Enjoy :)
  11. x3nity

    William/Grissom: Of CSI & Beyond #14

    ^ I was able to get copies of Manhunter and TLADILA (uhm...last month?) and haven't watch it yet, almost forgotten till i visit this site again. Uh could you recommend what to watch first? ;) tnx :thumbsup:
  12. x3nity

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    I have watched again the episode and I was capping the scenes with Lady Heather or Dr Kessler ;). I was looking closely at their interaction, and yes I agree with you, is not the hostile kind. It is not because of there was/is Gil & LH from history book, I believed Sara has already moved way...
  13. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Capped from the latest epi... some from the meet up with LH, or should i say 'Mrs G unleashed over Dr K?' ;)
  14. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Thank you for sharing. :adore: I'm watching the epi right now.
  15. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #8: A Beautiful Soul

    Yay! New thread! Congrats...
  16. x3nity

    William/Grissom: Pass the Drool Bucket! Pic thread #11

    Thread resurfaced. I don't want to forget this man (yet) ;)
  17. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

    How are you all? It's been a long time! Here my contribution from the recent episode. :adore:
  18. x3nity

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Yay! I finally able to watch it and no guess how many times because probably I am not the only one guilty here of playing more and again ;). Everything that you have written here I share the joy and wonderment, and really it made me miss Grissom more. But then, seeing this episode I am thankful...
  19. x3nity

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #7: A Beautiful Soul

    ^^ Thanks all for the wonderful share. :adore:
  20. x3nity

    Grissom and Sara; #35 Forever Together, Never Apart

    Oh, my! I love you jtd94...1st post. Thank you for the updates guys, I've been waiting this epi since December and even i have not yet watch it (still not yet available here in Asia, but patiently waiting for the download though), I am delighted to know it ended perfect in the gsr sense So he is...