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  1. Ollie

    Mac/Jo: Making good first impressions

    Everytime I come to this thread and read your posts, I feel so much better about not being alone in my little obsession over them. :lol: But seriously, I think yesterday's episode was one of the bests when it comes to Jo and Mac interacting with each other. I've never imagined something is...
  2. Ollie

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New Well, when I put the whole link (you may also try this one:, it works for me...
  3. Ollie

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New Thanks, perlnoir! Now, at the beginning of yesterday's interview with Sela Ward in 'The View' there was something, I presume, is a scene from this Friday's episode...
  4. Ollie

    Sela/Jo Thread #1 "I'm Jo Danville. I didn't do it."

    Gary Sinise just twitted the link for Sela's interview in 'The View', so ENJOY! (Doesn't she look absolutely stunning?)
  5. Ollie

    Sela/Jo Thread #1 "I'm Jo Danville. I didn't do it."

    Annette Benning? Seriously? Wow, I have no idea how I missed this detail. Thanks, macandjogirl.
  6. Ollie

    Sela/Jo Thread #1 "I'm Jo Danville. I didn't do it."

    It's on ABC official site, as usual, but only for people living in US. :( EDIT: Well, I don't like this show for this reason mainly (I mean, interrupting). As much as I love Whoopi, I think she's a little "overwhelming". But no, they didn't really interupt her, but in such a short "interview"...
  7. Ollie

    Sela/Jo Thread #1 "I'm Jo Danville. I didn't do it."

    Hilarious was to hear her impersonating herself, going: "I'm sorry, can I borrow a diaper?" ;) But either way, it was really, really SHORT and they didn't even ask her a single question about CSI:NY, so don't bawl your eyes out. ;)
  8. Ollie

    Sela/Jo Thread #1 "I'm Jo Danville. I didn't do it."

    I guess it's not uploaded anywhere yet. Well, she was talking about the reasons why she stopped working in tv shows after House (though she didn't resign from movies). Like she was all so busy while all the years she spent on different sets that she didn't really have time for her (small at...
  9. Ollie

    Sela/Jo Thread #1 "I'm Jo Danville. I didn't do it."

    The curly hair were amazing! I wish they could let her keep them on the show. I liked her outfit too, very simple, very "Jo". Too bad the whole "interview" was so short and practically without questions, but at least Sela was talkative and menaged to say a few funny things (story about...
  10. Ollie

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New CBS CELEBRATES HALLOWEEN WITH A WITCH'S BREW OF CHILLING EPISODES There is practicaly no info here, but there is a teeny-tiny picture of Jo and Mac standing in this cript/grave/hole in the ground. So we can have some sort...
  11. Ollie

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New And I'm still excited for this one. :lol: Though, being honest, I do treat it somehow like an eye-candy episode, made especially for in-love-with-cars me. And I do like everything about Courtney Ford: her voice, her...
  12. Ollie

    Mac/Jo: Making good first impressions

    Okay, so we had another episode of the new season, with a few nice Jo/Mac scenes.
  13. Ollie

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New Let me just take the moment to admire this unbelievably steamy, exciting flirt. Okay, I'm done now. Thank God we know (well, sort of, judging by the spoilers) that Mac should be somewhere in that scene, cause with the...
  14. Ollie

    Sela/Jo Thread #1 "I'm Jo Danville. I didn't do it."

    TheChaoticBox, thank you very much for this information! It'd be great to see Sela anywhere.
  15. Ollie

    Mac/Jo: Making good first impressions

    I have no idea how I missed this post. :eek: Anyway, HI, macandjogirl (I think I'm goin' to smile every time I'll look at your nickname)! :) I'm with you on this one, absolutely. As I said before: their (solid) friendship is what makes me think this relationship could work and evolve. They're...
  16. Ollie

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New Sounds like we're making some kind of threesome out of it. :) I'm mostly looking forward to Mac's reaction(s) throughout this storyline, but the rest of the team would do. ;) But I agree with every word. So far, for me...
  17. Ollie

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New Agree. I see it more like I saw what happened to Mac not so far away in 'The Untouchable' = like a possible outcome of invastigating a difficult and dangerous case. Not like making a punching bag from a character just...
  18. Ollie

    Mac/Jo: Making good first impressions

    Well, when it comes to me I think it's pretty obvious. ;) For all the reasons I put in my posts above, I think they would definitely make a good couple. And I so hope they will be given this chance. But I think I let emotions cloud my judgement, when it comes to seeing things (in spoiler), when...
  19. Ollie

    Mac/Jo: Making good first impressions

    Can someone please explain me how is it with the spoilers? For how long after the episode was aired I'm supposed to use them?
  20. Ollie

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New York

    Re: Season 8 Spoiler Discussion - There's Nothing You Can't Do In New Another sneak peek from tonight's episode: It sort of shows the way flashbacks would be put into the original plot. And I like it...