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  1. L

    Sela/Jo Thread #1 "I'm Jo Danville. I didn't do it."

    I'm so glad to hear that she made the list. <3 Love her. She is gorgeous. New note: I adore her! She first caught my attention on House and then escalated from there. She's amazing and talented. Once & Again is my favourite of Sela's. I love her. When I heard she was going to be on CSINY, I...
  2. L

    Grade 'Shop Till You Drop'

    I adored it! I loved the case. I thought what Alena did for her co-workers was really wonderful. What her boss did to her was just wrong...hated him for it. I love Sela/Jo, so I just adored all the Jo we got in this episode. I loved the scene at the beginning with Jo and Mac..."Now! Really?" Too...
  3. L

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI Discussion!

    *waves* Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I'm Sarah. :)