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  1. C

    Photography Competition: CSI - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: CSI Wow, I love how you guys interpreted the theme! 2 6 10
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    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 16 - RESULTS! This was hard, the icons are beautiful! Beginner: 1 3 5 Advanced: 20 7 2
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    Speed/Rory #16: ~~"Welcome to the Big Leagues"~~

    Aw man, I really wanna see this! *sob* I can't wait until BBC gets their ass in gear and show us Brits!!! Oooh, maybe YouTube has something!
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    Attention 'YouTube' Fans...[Video thread]

    Re: Attention 'YouTube' Fans... I've got two gorgeous Speed vids. Not made by me, but definetly watched a lot by me! :p Rory Fanvid-Crushed by Rosette Speed Fanvid-Here Without You by 3 Doors Down
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    any good

    I personally think that NY is creeping up as better than Vegas. The character interaction is good and, for the most part, that and the storylines are believable. The episodes never seem too rushed, never seem to drag, and I've rarely, if ever, sat there and got bored with any episodes. Hope you...
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    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Voting! Great icons everyone! Beginner: 11 10 8 Advanced: 8 10 16
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    Everyone Read This! Re-start of Challenges! Upd. 03/08/08

    Re: Everyone Read This! Ok, first off, I've always liked the idea of Beginner/Advanced spots. I thought it was fairer for everyone if we all get fair representation. Obviously, some people don't know what to class themselves. For instance, I'm not even sure I could be classed as beginner...
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    Welcome And Goodbye, All Crazy Artists!

    Well, i guess I'm considered a newbie fanart-er. I've been doing it for close to a year, but only been posting for, say, 6 months or so. Also, my stuff is pretty amature, especially compared to most of the guys on here! In real life I'm known as Jemma/Jems, and as a complete CSI nut! :D I holla...
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    Csi:Miami boardgame witch character would you play??

    hehe, echoing a lot of Speed fans, I'd be Speed, then Calliegh. Then Eric.
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    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #14: Winners!!! Wow, fantastic banners guys!!! Beginner: 17 13 5 Advanced: 24 (woo, D/F!) 2 6 (ditto! <3)
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    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    :lol: It's quite tramatizing! :lol: I shall never look at Horatio the same way again! :lol: Maybe we should show the die hard Caruso fans the pic, see what they say! :p Oh, and Kimmi, I added you on MySpace!
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    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 16 - RESULTS! I may very well join up, but I'm a tad *cough*a lot*cough* rusty, so beware! (I told y'all, beware at unleashing me in Photoshop! :lol:)
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    The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

    Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide Ok, this may be an odd question, but I'm willing to try it. I've recently got PSP 11, and I'm looking at getting Photoshop CS 3, when it comes out. (My Uncles a comp. guy, so gets stuff as soon as it comes out.) What I want to know is: Are there any basic-and I mean...
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    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Join Now! Wow, I've actually got off my lazy ass, and sent something in! How cool am I? :lol:
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    CSI: Hangman #9

    Danny and Hawkes? Danny: I gotta say, of all the bodies this is on the top ten most twisted list. Hawkes: Yes, no ordinary slice of life... You work around the clock last night?
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    Sleep with, Marry, Date , or be friends with

    Sleep With: Eric (Hey, who wouldn't!? Also, I wouldn't sleep with the others (bar Speed)) Marry: Speed! (Then I can sleep with him lots! :devil:) Date: I guess Ryan (Because I wouldn't date Horatio) Be Friends With: Horatio
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    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Ooooh, fast! Poison girl you are correct! You geta muffin, and the others that took part get cookies! :lol: Ok, Poison girl, I leave the game in your capapble hands! :D
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    Guiding The Next Generation

    This guy blows my mind. He's on a show that easily reaches the highest popularity stakes, but he's still working on ways to help his community out. Bravo Hill Harper!
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    CSI: Hangman #9

    P please! :)
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    CSI NY Picture Game #7

    Oh! I got it right? Well, that's...unexpected! :lol: Ok, well, here's the next pic! :lol: