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  1. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    :D Hi guys! Wow, you've certainly been busy, new Fort and everything! Not that I'm complaining. Sorry for the long absence; I've been extremely busy with various summer classes, and I've spent the last week and a half moving. :S But I'm back and I hope to pop in every once in a while! Awh, why...
  2. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Random Acts of Violence in season 3. ;3 Hahahaha, xD. I think Hodges just has a "omghero" crush on Nick; Nick saves people and I think Hodges really looks up to that and by doing so, he idolizes Nick. I'm kind of unsure as to whether or not he still has a crush on Nick now that he's interested...
  3. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Hi guys! Been busy, I see. I finished finals, so I imagine you'll be seeing a bit more of me now. 8D I am going to be gone for two weeks starting next Monday, but I might pop in if I get a chance. Anyway! As far as I know, it wasn't canon. :\ In the S5 eppy, 4x4, Greg & Sara have to be...
  4. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Ohohoho, you guys have been busy. 8D Not entirely sure if I'm one of the old names you recognize, but I apologize for not coming around more often! I've been writing/posting writing, though, so nope, definitely not dead for me! I've got finals this coming week, though, so don't be too...
  5. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    xD Oh yes. Please. I think I would die happy if that's how it went down. But, I've been thinking this over a bit and I can't really see any legitimate place that they could put in a date. :\ I mean, I can understand that it might happen because of the whole Warrick thing (they're story lines...
  6. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    :lol: Hold your horses, they're right here! The screencaps were... a pretty pathetic attempt at getting it across...However, thanks to the lovely help of googling from my cousin, hope is not lost! 8D I've screencapped, of course, but I also fixed the video so it's more or less safe for minors...
  7. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Ohh, you guys have been busy! 8D *eyebrow waggle* I'd like to think it could go either way. -shrugs- I don't know, I see Greg doing it more than I do Nick, but if they were going to do it on the show, either way is possible. Really? How did... How did I not know that? When is/was this...
  8. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    O_____________O Um. *flails* :0 ANYWAY, favorite genre? I TOTALLY MISSED THAT! I'm basically up for anything. xD Casefile, angst, fluff, etc... I'm kind of all over the place, just depends on what kind of mood I'm in. Because I'm in a subtexty mood right now, there's also the scene where...
  9. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Haha. Oh, the I-hate-slash Flamers... *shakes head* I haven't actually had any of them in the N/G fandom :D So I'm pretty happy about that. Then again, I'm constantly making sure that there's some aspect of RELATIONSHIP or N/G SLASH in my summary so that I don't accidentally piss anyone off. But...
  10. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Yay! New Fort! :D D: I don't mean to bring back the whole new girl thing... Now, I know that circumstances are different, but we were worried when they brought in Ronnie, too, weren't we? She wasn't that big of a threat and isn't even on the show now (right? I haven't seen her)... So, I mean...
  11. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    You know, even if I weren't a N/G shipper, I can't see the writer's making another GSR mistake - by saying that, I mean, I can't see them making new eppy's with a bunch of N/this chick scenes... And having it kind of shoved down throats. Although, maybe I can, because if they're giving him a...
  12. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    You guys notice that we've jumped a page ahead since Wojo posted that spoiler? 8D Maybe we just need more spoilers like it just to prove that by writer's throwing stuff like that us isn't gonna stop us. Well, we realize this, but it's a matter of getting others to realize it that's gonna be the...
  13. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    D: I think... That I might actually be the only one who really doesn't believe that spoiler up thur. xD HOWEVER, I has a theory. And theories are good, yeah? :D *wonders if all this needs spoiler tags..* So you guys have been talking about how Warrick may be killed off, yeah? Well, if they do...
  14. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    *flails* No more Warrick? Huh. *reads the article thingy on CSIFiles* Oh. Well. Yeah. But it's that one guy, that... Auss....something guy, and based on previous experiences, I'm not gonna necessarily jump at his word. Because I don't believe him until I get more than just his word. :3 And I...
  15. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Before they changed the site, you had to get to 100 posts before you could use an avatar. I haven't checked in a while so I don't know if they've changed it or not. :\ Welcome, though! 8D Always nice to see new N/G shippers. Wojo - Awh, don't make me choose! I love these boys *hugs* waaay too...
  16. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Hehe. SO. Since we're (well, we WERE, at least) on the topic of GD here... I think it was Katlynn that said it (not sure...), but they DID in fact show Greg's face with the live feed - just not full on like they did with Warrick, Griss, Sara, & Cath. 8D My eyes, they seek it out. He was hiding...
  17. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    The writers. x3 They just hated us then. Now, they're like, HEY, SUBTEXT = GOOD? People want that? OKAY. Okay...I'll be a shipper now. :D If they weren't out in any way, to ANYONE, at the time, maybe Greg would have figured that if he got into an ambulance with Nick, it would've given them...
  18. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Now, I haven't read the rules for a while, but from what I gathered, links aren't allowed... I could be wrong. -shrugs- And yeah, PG-13, but PG-13 a lot. I don't really think that anything's gone over the PG13, but I'm not a mod, so I could be wrong D: candy - I mean the one for "A Thousand...
  19. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Y'know, maybe the writers DO know what they're doing. I'm thinkin' I should give them a little more credit. Hey, they could give even less and cut out any scene they may have together, yeah? And even if they never become cannon because that's not what they wanna do, there's at least the subtext...
  20. suckerforasmile

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    :D Hi guys! Sorry I've been MIA lately, life's been hectic. BUUUT, heeee, Thursday's episode! I loved it! I actually missed about the first half so I had to catch up online, but yay! Now, nonshippers can say whatever they want, but I'm a firm believer that they're at least hanging out. I have a...