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  1. Amy777

    Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

    Yes it is there. Make sure you do not watch only the "online" version. Find the full version. I saw it there.
  2. Amy777

    Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

    Yesterday was a good day, first I got my season 6 DVDs, The commentary was wonderful, even on the commentaries that did not include GE every one was very complementary of him. Then my sister called and I am going to be an Aunt again (the second time) what a wonderful day. But he can sing...
  3. Amy777

    Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

    Congrats on the twins Nikki . I like the names. Take care of yourself now and make sure you keep yourself well nourished with lots of vitamins. ;) I liked the pictures of your dogs, they are so cute, (I love dogs). :) Take care
  4. Amy777

    Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

    I know a lot of you ladies love this picture (you are all looking at the man) but I can't help only seeing that they only gave him a "dummy camera" that they did not even stick a lens in. I can't get past that. :( You would think that the "prop people" would give him a more realistic camera or...
  5. Amy777

    Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

    Yes, that would be the one; they tried to make GE look like a Native American. Let's put it this way, GE was not the worst actor on the set of that movie, but, the best actor on the set of that movie was worse than the worst actor that you have ever seen on CSI. The movie is at least a good...
  6. Amy777

    Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

    If you want a really good example of how much GE has grown in the acting department, rent (don't buy) Dust to Dust. The entire move is really bad. But you do get a real sense of how GE has changed in his acting ability. You don't even have to see the whole movie. Oh a warning!!! don't...
  7. Amy777

    Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

    sternomastoidsomethingorother Allmaple I think the name you are looking for is the sternocleidomastoid. It is named don't want a down and dirty A&P lesson today do you? I will spare you the lesson (nursing school flashback) Wonderful pics ladies. I would stay and post...
  8. Amy777

    Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

    Relax? Thanks, I will try. So far today I had to go to the Dentist (not so relaxing) but it was better than I expected so... But I knew where to go to "recover" Thanks ladies. ;) Here I will try with some more pictures. what have we here? OK greg, what are we looking at now? Time...
  9. Amy777

    Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

    A 9-5 job? what is that? HAHAHA I have never had one in my life. 12 hours is hard but you get a lot of hours in just a few days... then "hopefully" you get a few more days off. (Not always the case) Oh well… (I used to be a nanny and worked 12 hour days 6 days a week, which was not a picnic...
  10. Amy777

    Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

    What am I doing at 3:00AM? Taking a breather during my 12 hour, night shift. I work at a hospital, in the supply department. I like to check in and see what is going on in here while I eat "lunch"? "dinner"? "breakfast"? what would you call it at that time of the morning? "breakfast" by...
  11. Amy777

    Nick/George Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #14

    I just thought I would add my voice to the Congratulations!!! Babs and Nikk !!!!! Congratulations to "your" cowboy NickSaraFan. And last but not least Congratulations Allmaple for your promotion. Many congratulations in the last couple of days. I know I do not post much but I just wanted...
  12. Amy777

    Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

    I found it!!! People June 4, 2001 I hope this worked. If you look about 1/2 way down, Marg (Cathrine Willows) is the one that says that he is not a morning person and that she does not "pepper him with questions" at the start of the day.
  13. Amy777

    Texan Charm-a Nick/George Dicussion Thread Part 5

    In my opinion, the telltale moment in "Grave Danger" that makes it 48 hours is, Just after the "Box" breaks up the very next picture is of a sunrise (therefore entering day light) He is not rescued until it is dark again. Just recently Jorja Fox and Carol Mendalson both said 48 hours.
  14. Amy777

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    I read somewhere that the original part was a person named "Nick LaDee" who was a Motersicle riding, tatooed, pierced, blond haired, ex cop from Nebraska (how GE ended up in that audition I will never know. Wrong turn? :lol:) but when William Peterson saw him, he was so impressed that they...
  15. Amy777

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    OK Allmaple just for you I am going to give this a try...You said that it would be easy...I hope that it works. first try, T-shirt with you know who
  16. Amy777

    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    Wile all of ya'll are out looking for pictures, I was looking for a pictures of GE. It is that one of him sitting on a white car or truck, in shorts and a t-shirt. He was young (I think high school) and it was a very small picture. I can't remember who posted it but it was probably about a...
  17. Amy777

    What's Your Favorite Season?

    I like season one and two the best. I do own all of them but if you are looking for commentary, season two has more than season one.
  18. Amy777

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    Like all of you, last nights episode was awesome. GE really outdid himself in his last scene. I almost cried. He looked like he wanted to pull the widow into his arms and let her cry on his shoulder. Too sweet. I love the way GE does scene like that. I think he does them better than about...
  19. Amy777

    Screen Savers

    I am not sure where else to ask this but, does any one of you know how to make a screen saver that you can put on a CD and give to someone? Do you need a special program for that? What program do you need? You can answer here or you can PM me. Thank you beforehand