Search results

  1. AliGtr

    Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

    There was that thing in Shock as well, where Alexx realised that Ryan had been testing her to see where the information about nerve damage in his eye went. She was really hurt by that, but I don't think that she stayed upset with him for too long. He hates having to deceive his friends - you...
  2. AliGtr

    Wallpaper Thread #9: Showcase, Links, and Requests

    MacsLovlyAngl, I love the brushes you used on your LV one! Beautiful wps everyone! Here are mine from the "Sell It" challenge. I'm not sure I really got the idea behind it right - I just tried to put down what I liked about the shows (including H's one-liners), but anyway... And...
  3. AliGtr

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #38 - Too Sexy For My... ~ Now Open!

    Re: Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #32 - Ugly Clothes ~ Now Up! I'm sending mine now!
  4. AliGtr

    [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

    Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #30: Sell It! ~ Voting! Whooot! Thank you! :D Congrats to all the winners! Beautiful wps!
  5. AliGtr

    Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

    *checks* It doesn't work for me either now. Not even where I first saved it. Damn! Maybe it's a downtime thing? I hope so - it looked a promising site. :( I went through the episode this morning and saved a lot of caps. I'll put them on my Photobucket if the site doesn't come back up...
  6. AliGtr

    Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

    Wow! I haven't seen the episode, of course, but I saw the promo and the caps of the episode, and it looks fantastic! maybe not the story, because Miami has a habit of presenting questionable stories, but there are some great Ryan scenes! Him shouting at Calleigh and Eric when they first...
  7. AliGtr

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    Re: Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 7 Spoilers*** I found a place through lj that's got caps of Resurrection up! Here's the link! Nice big caps! :D
  8. AliGtr

    Low challenge entries - why are you not entering?

    I think that's a great idea! One of the things I like about provided caps is seeing what different people do with the same image. (Also, that helps me learn and improve my own technique when I see what someone else has done with the same cap that I've used.) This would just be narrowing the...
  9. AliGtr

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal #41: Jake - Voting!

    Re: CSI:Miami Icon Chal.Thr.#3 Ch.35: All About the Front - Now Up! Beginners: 7 2 4 Intermediate: 5 :lol: 4 1 Advanced: 3 13 6 140X140: 2 5 8 Great icons!
  10. AliGtr

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal #41: Jake - Voting!

    Re: CSI:Miami Icon Chal.Thr.#3 Ch.35: All About the Front - Now Up! Sending mine now!
  11. AliGtr

    [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

    Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #30: Sell It! ~ Join Now! Okay, I'm sending in wp 3. :D
  12. AliGtr

    [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

    Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #30: Sell It! ~ Join Now! Oh, thank goodness! An extension! :eek: I'll send you the two I'm happy with and work some more on the third. *frowns in concentration*
  13. AliGtr

    Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

    Nailed is an amazing episode! It's got to be one of my favourites, but then I think of all the others, like Curse of the Coffin and Cyberlebrity and... And all the great scenes! :p In Internal Affairs, he intervenes between Eric and Nick and that's great! There's all the energy and passion...
  14. AliGtr

    CSI Icon Challenge - Detectives - Winners!

    Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Pilots - Voting! Beginners: 18 21 4 Advanced: 18 1 11 Pretty icons!
  15. AliGtr

    Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

    Hey lausi gm! Good to see you here! I really ought to comment here more, Kat, but it's RL, you know. It gets in the way. :( Thank you so much for posting those links! I haven't seen those before. "He doesn't have time to buy an iPod for his niece himself because he's too busy shopping for...
  16. AliGtr

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal #41: Jake - Voting!

    Re: CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 3 Ch.34: Villains ~ Winners Up! Oh wow! Thank you so much for the votes! :eek: Congrats to all the winners! I loved your "fury" Horatio one, luf100!
  17. AliGtr

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #38 - Too Sexy For My... ~ Now Open!

    Re: Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #31 - Gone But Not Forgotten ~ Resu Congrats to all the winners! Beautiful banners!
  18. AliGtr

    Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

    Orla, thank you for those pics! I haven't seen them before! *drools* (Off topic - I wish I looked like Eva!:() In the last CSI:Miami magazine, they were talking about the characters' wardrobes and the designers they wear, and they said about Ryan that he was "a young urban professional...
  19. AliGtr

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #38 - Too Sexy For My... ~ Now Open!

    Re: Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #31 - Gone But Not Forgotten ~ Join I'm nearly late! :eek: Beginners: 4 8 21 Advanced: 3 13 11
  20. AliGtr

    Animation Challenge - #7 - Guns and Bullets ~ Results!

    Re: Animation Challenge - #1 Keep Smiling Beginners: 1 9 3 Advanced: 8 1 9 Brilliant animations!