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  1. H

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Okay, LOVE the thread. Here it goes: *You go to the GYNO for a simple check-up, and you use words like: schemic stroke, hemorrhagic conversions, contusions and ecchymoses when there is no relevance nor have your ass been to med school. *One of your best friends calls in a panic, and you tell...
  2. H

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    You girls are TERRIBLE!!!! You'd be surprised....this is L.A--I HAD to clarify. I had a friend who'd done porn for a bit.--lol Did you go to the "Pleasure Chest" while you were here? It's on Hollywood Blvd. Cop/Cop, Prisoner/Cop, Cop/Judge, Judge/Bailiff, they'll have it all. Paired with a...
  3. H

    A Thank You from Eddie Cahill

    Ohhhhhh, nicccccccce. Very professional. LOVE that!!!! :D
  4. H

    Dr. Sheldon Hawkes's Look

    --I'm DYING laughing about the shirt! I'm soooo not into computer graphics, but you guys are so darned creative that I wouldn't doubt that he's worn it. Faylinn, the next book should be even better. My boys said that they liked the first one because now they believe me when I say that their...
  5. H

    Dr. Sheldon Hawkes's Look

    They were all truly grateful and inspired by it. I'm in the process of adopting a child, and I'd initially gifted it for my son's 16 year old brother who is in desperate need of ministry. I was planning to try and get (Hill) to visit the group home--and I was going to pay the honorarium...
  6. H

    A Thank You from Eddie Cahill

    Question: Was that the actual shirt that he was wearing on Poison Girl's pic? If so, LOVE that!!!!
  7. H

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Arrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggh!!!! Noooo Faylinn!!!! Wait....(ponders a sec)....girl/girl or boy/boy?
  8. H

    Dr. Sheldon Hawkes's Look

    Yes, I read it. It was awesome. I have a youth intervention program, so I bought it for all of my kids. Did you read it Top41? What did you think about his mom suggesting that he play "guitar" more often? :lol:
  9. H

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Yup, I'm in L.A. Pizza and porn? Great combo, I'm sooooo there!
  10. H

    Dr. Sheldon Hawkes's Look

    Yup, he has nice cheeks....and bones. I missed him on Oprah again (thanks for the heads-up). Hopefully they'll run it again. :D
  11. H

    Celebrity Elections

    Please clarify; are the elections tallied and honored? There may be some truth to this. I mean, that would explain why 80% of the singers with record deals shouldn't have them.
  12. H

    Family Pain

    Sincerely praying for you and your family. BELIEVE that he'll be fine--and he will!
  13. H

    Happy Birthday To Carmine Giovinazzo

    Cute poem. Mrs G, you crack me up!
  14. H

    Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

    I like this thread. It reminds me of a song by an old 80's group called the "Good Girls" (I'm dating myself, now). I read this and the song is stuck in my head: ((((Singing))))) "Her Greek-ness, is his weak-ness baby...her love is soo GREEK, it's making him weak...". :D Self amusement...sorry...
  15. H

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    I hope that you enjoyed our town! You girls are SMOKING! I would've suggested Sprinkles (cupcakes), but midnight tiptoes was on point. Great fun.
  16. H

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    Yup, I agree. What a good friend she has in Hill.
  17. H

    Dr. Sheldon Hawkes's Look

    I LOOOOOVE me some Hawkes whether he's as clean shaven as a baby's bum or as hairy as a sasquash (um, well maybe not that hairy); but I want the goatee and clean-cut look back. What do y'all think? :p
  18. H

    Happy Birthday To Carmine Giovinazzo

    Did he say anything about expressing his gratitude with hugs and kisses for the hard work? Just curious.:p
  19. H

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    I can remember Anna's work on "The Handler" (the previous show that she and Hill-ever-so delicious Harper did together), and she wasn't that bad. I liked her character on that show. ((((Running for cover))))))) Of course CSI isn't "The Handler" and this is clearly a mismatch; let's not send...
  20. H

    Happy Birthday To Carmine Giovinazzo

    Awwwww....Happy Birthday! Wishing you the BEST, month-long celebration EVER!!!