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  1. C

    Is danny dead ?

    I don't want any main characters to die, but if it is Shane it would be like *Bang! Possibly greatest villian on CSI:NY dead. What next?* I'm just hoping for an injury to someone and no one dead. :)
  2. C

    What was your favourite and worst moment of all seasons?

    This is for favourite and worst moments not episodes, becuase there are some good and some bad bits to each episode. Mine are; The end of 'Manhattenhenge' when they're all having dinner(except sid :(). When Sheldon found out it was Aiden who had died. :'( Please comment! :D
  3. C

    Who Said It and What Episode

    Don, the formula I think
  4. C

    Quiz Thread #5

    Begins and ends with a 'P' -8/18 - I think my brain is asleep... Slogan Fill-in-the-blank - 10/30 - Now that's not right... Countries in Multiple timezones - 4/21 - Yep, I'm brain dead :/
  5. C

    What was your least favorite episode of season six?

    Hammer Down becuase I know it was a crossover but I haven't been able to see the others so it doesn't really make sense. :( The only reason I didn't like vacation getaway was becuase of the cliffhanger.
  6. C

    CSI: NY Season 7 Wishlist.

    I couldn't think of how to phrase it. I still want them to be together sometimes, but I agree, they do need to be apart a lot more. I think they should have another Danny OR Lindsey story, maybe involving the tanglewwod boys or something. :) But for them to make it something when the other is...
  7. C

    The Warm Welcome Thread #3

    Thanks Faylinn! :) (Try saying that 50 times over lol)
  8. C

    Is danny dead ?

    Same! It's so annoying! When does the new series start?
  9. C

    CSI: NY Season 7 Wishlist.

    My Wish List; In order of preference 1) Something happening to Adam, hopefully involving his dad, and maybe the rest of the team defending or protecting him... 2) Smacked! There's so many possibilities of how it happens and alot of fans would be happy! :) 3) Two case episodes! It's been...
  10. C

    The Warm Welcome Thread #3

    Heyy! I'm a new member who has just managed to get an account! I have loved csi ny since the begining and i am happy to be able to discuss now! :D