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  1. CSI_Watcher_8

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    Employee of the Month Was hoping it would be alittle bit like Office Space. Not even close. Had some funny bits but Jessica Simpson kind of got on my nerves and the actor who played the head cashier didn't sell it enough for me. I actually wanted to see some of the lesser charcters more...
  2. CSI_Watcher_8

    NCIS thread #2: post here or get your head slapped

    I agree with you there. I don't think I have seen an episode I didn't enjoy. I started late in season 3. The first episode I watched centered around Abby. That episode made me laugh so hard when she was tazering the guy. I thought if the other episodes were as good as that one then I would...
  3. CSI_Watcher_8

    Recent Purchases #2

    A couple of shirts Easter stuff Coke 100 calorie snack bars Spongebob placemat Lawncare stuff A stuffed peep bunny dinner at wendy's
  4. CSI_Watcher_8

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Sunny but a little colder than it was yesterday.
  5. CSI_Watcher_8

    Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

    Singing, our Flack singing. I don't know, I could see him singing when drunk or singing an anthem at a game. I was so glad he called her Linds. SP it's all because of you. Ok maybe a little bit of credit goes to Eddie. But I give you most of it. Cathstokes Long time no see. Glad to see...
  6. CSI_Watcher_8

    Eric/Ryan Slash--Unresolved Tension

    nozomin your so right. If someone changed the background you would hardly know the difference. Your second pic from that scene really does it because it makes me think he is looking at their grocery list and they are trying to decide if they have everything. :lol:
  7. CSI_Watcher_8

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Sunny but a little breezey. ;)
  8. CSI_Watcher_8

    Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

    Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin What you heard is very true.
  9. CSI_Watcher_8

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Re: 3rd Post Count Party !! Finally got to 2000! Only a million more to go. ;) Yurek it's always special when you reach a post count ending in zero. That's one of the reason's for the thread. Don't worry we are happy for you anyway. ;)
  10. CSI_Watcher_8

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Weather here is good for now. But looks like rain. It has been warm this week but now they are treating us with cold weather again. GRRR! ;)
  11. CSI_Watcher_8

    What scares you the most in life?

    People. Never know what they will do.
  12. CSI_Watcher_8

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    It's like a nice sunny day but without being to bright. But at least its warm. Wish I was outside more though. :)
  13. CSI_Watcher_8

    TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 7 - Texture - FINAL RESULTS UP!

    Re: TalkCSI LPS #1: Challenge 7 - Texture Congrats everyone! Hope to see everyone back for the next challenge. ;)
  14. CSI_Watcher_8

    Talk Law & Order Here

    Re: Talk Law & Order Here. I'm going to go with both of your takes on the spolier.
  15. CSI_Watcher_8

    Prison Break

    I wonder what they are going to do for next season. I remember when they started that they had only planned the first 2 seasons out not knowing how long the show would last. And it looks like the finale is going to be a huge cliffhanger.
  16. CSI_Watcher_8

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    Open Season & Slither Ok Open Season had Gary Sinse's voice as one of the characters and I didn't realize which one until the credits rolled. The film was ok but was kind of putting me to sleep. Slither was funny. Nathan Fillion from "Firefly" is in. If you want a good film to entertain...
  17. CSI_Watcher_8

    Sunshine After the Rain - Weather Thread #6

    Rainy all day! ;)
  18. CSI_Watcher_8

    Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

    I thought when Lindsay was talking about cockroaches being NY's masot funny. And Danny telling her to watch it. Looks like Lindsay is the one telling all the jokes now. ;)
  19. CSI_Watcher_8

    Flack/Monroe #2 - It's a Block Party Thing!

    So finally a scene! Ok it wasn't just the two of them but they were in it together. And now we know that both Flack and Lindsay like wine, especially Flack. ;) Of course the scene helps with my OT3.
  20. CSI_Watcher_8

    Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

    Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin 2000th post and finally some snickers coming our way. I hope its a good sign. Since we heard rumors of this scene I guess it's finally going to happen. ;)