Search results

  1. cinegirl

    CSI: Miami Icons #6 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Gosh, I've never seen this video before, thanks for the link :lol: But now we should get back to the actual business in here, 'k? ;) luf, I wanted to comment earlier but forgot it: I really love your last icon batch, not only the H icon you're currently using is fantastalicious (and I'm saying...
  2. cinegirl

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    *claps hands* Very impressive Dingbat, awesome job on all manipulations! :eek: Who said it? Right, I second what MelC said: can't wait for the female manips batch! :D
  3. cinegirl

    CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    *appears ou of nowhere* You all know I love your art work, right? But please remember not to post more than 3 pictures in one post, if you wanna post more than 3, use the URL-code for the rest, please. ;) It's such an image heavy forum and some people don't have high speed internet, so just keep...
  4. cinegirl

    Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

    Have a wonderful Birthday blackflag and kindoe!
  5. cinegirl

    Signature Banners # 6 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    OK, that is weird. I have to think about it first, will come back to you when I have a new idea :wtf: CaRWashLuvr! Yeah, I remember that name! That's really funny :D
  6. cinegirl

    Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

    Happy belated B-Day, Nick_Lover77! :) And because here it is already July the 12th: Haaaaaaaappy Biiiiirthday Megan!!!! (aka DragonflyDreamer ;)) May all your wishes come true and have a lovely weekend, yummy birthday cake (you know you have to share with your fellow TalkCSIler, right? :p)...
  7. cinegirl

    Signature Banners # 6 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    I'm glad you like it DonFlackLuvr :) And I'm not stalking you, I just came back from work :D Alright, in order to put it in your signature you need to save the banner on your own computer first. (right click with mouse on the graphic, Save as...) Afterwards you need to upload it to an image...
  8. cinegirl

    The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

    Re: The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 05-30 New challenge up in Misc! --> Ch#33: Dumbo is flying again! :D
  9. cinegirl

    Other Fandom FanArt #3: Showcase & Requests

    Hui, awesome, thank you! :D *runs off to change desktop wally*
  10. cinegirl

    Other Fandom FanArt #3: Showcase & Requests

    Ooooh, these are so great! Do you mind if I snag the 'Pushing Daisies' one? It's very beautiful :)
  11. cinegirl

    Signature Banners # 6 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Here's my try, perhaps you like it: I suck at text so I didn't add any, but if you know s/th, let me know :)
  12. cinegirl

    The International Thread

    LOL the 'Butterkekse' discussion caught my attention :lol: OK, I'm also from Germany so I don't know if the translation is really correct, but 'Butterkekse' should be translated in - surprise! - 'Butter Cookies' They are a bit different from 'Boterkoek' (though these look yummy! *is hungry*)...
  13. cinegirl

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #25 ~ Now Up!

    Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Voting open! LOL you got me! Congrats Natty, great icon! And next time there should be a tie, don't ya think so? :D Congratulations to all the other winners, too, awesome work, guys! :)
  14. cinegirl

    Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

    Oops, I missed those last wishes, thank you so much guys! :D OK, another birthday, I don't know how many people will remember her and I also don't know if she still jumps on the board from time to time and if she might ever read this: Happy Birthday to quoth_the_raven! Have a great day, Ann...
  15. cinegirl

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #25 ~ Now Up!

    Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#2 Challenge #17 ~ Voting open! :eek: awesome work everyone! This is a tough decision! Kat, you know what vote of mine you need to ignore ;) @natty: kudos! I think this time I'll get my butt kicked badly from you! :lol: A: 2 (actually it was a tie, but the "fugly tie"...
  16. cinegirl

    [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #36: Leading Ladies ~ Now Open!

    Re: [T3] Wallpaper Challenge #27: Season in Review ~ Voting! Beginners: 12 02 09 Advanced: 16 07 06 Amazing WPs everyone! :)
  17. cinegirl

    Signature Banners # 6 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    I'm glad you like it JorjaAnn! :) CSI_Stokes_Girl, I tried one: Perhaps you like it, if not please let me know :)
  18. cinegirl

    Parties and Presents! The Birthday Thread #5

    Woah, thank you all so much, guys! :) *huggles everyone* And I really enjoyed all these animations, awesome, thanks again! (@natty: hehe... :p ) Thanks hon, and even if I wanted to write today, my family kept me away, I couldn't do anything! :lol:
  19. cinegirl

    Signature Banners # 6 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    I tried one: Changes are no prob! :)
  20. cinegirl

    Welcome And Goodbye, All Crazy Artists!

    Just a short heads up: the due date for my diploma is coming closer and because I was a pretty lazy gal I need to get lots of stuff done in the next 20 days, so I won't be much around for that time. Please stay such lovely posters and if anything urgent happens - Meg/DragonflyDreamer is your...