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  1. DuCaineluvr93

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    Thanks Moderators, And Good Luck!!!
  2. DuCaineluvr93

    Mac/Stella #14 - Cause you can't fight the inevitable!

    *peaks up* hello, hello, hello I've actually been here before but no one has really noticed anyhow hey guyz whatsup great thread title!!! Luv it!!! Its so true though Mac and Stel are the only reason I actually truley pay attention to CSI NY. LUV THEM!!!
  3. DuCaineluvr93

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    Hello...Hello....Hello.......... Wow its echoey in here. Well H and Cal have actually shared the screen together this season even though they haven't said anything to each other there there:) HCRAZY I NEED YOU HERE!!!!!
  4. DuCaineluvr93

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

    Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple 5.11 is called Forbidden Fruit rite? Here are some spoiler pics for Forbidden Fruit, I think its 5.11
  5. DuCaineluvr93

    Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** Sneak a Peek!

    strike again ahh!!! they must be insane with the economy the way it is. Does anyone know how many episodes have been filmed as of now????:confused:
  6. DuCaineluvr93


    read and understood
  7. DuCaineluvr93

    Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 8 Spoilers***

    Re: Get Your CSI:Miami Pictures Here! ***Possible Season 7 Spoilers*** post deleted
  8. DuCaineluvr93

    Season 7 **Spoiler Lab** Sneak a Peek!

    hey delkolover!!! what do you have in terms of spoilers for episode 7.09 this is the summary i have Power Trip" Ð When a savage killer runs rampant in Miami, Horatio must intervene to stop a member of the police force from getting too close to the case. who is the member of the police...
  9. DuCaineluvr93

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    hey y'all:) hopefully the new ME will cause some friction between Cal and Eric then in comes horatio!!! Im still holdin out for our favorite couple \ Bring on the Ducaine!!! O and HCrazy if you're here we need more Ducaine post some stories like Totally Twisted soon we are goin...
  10. DuCaineluvr93

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    well hey y'all i've been away for a while from this thread:) i come back here and find it empty come on people!!! pass around the cookies!!!! :):):):)
  11. DuCaineluvr93

    Mac/Stella #12 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

    well we will get some smackedness in episode 5.05 for sure i mean how can there not be
  12. DuCaineluvr93

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    hey miamirocks, I agree with you 100% it will happen they will work a case together they will I just know it.!!! The chemistry is there you can feal it. Even in a short scene you can see the sparks fly which is pretty much enough to power the United States for a year. Love the pics DuCaine...
  13. DuCaineluvr93

    [SMACKED] Since that Cold November Day

    o yeah:p
  14. DuCaineluvr93

    Horatio seeing the impossible? (episode thoughts)

    haha that would actually pretty funny I would watch that :lol:
  15. DuCaineluvr93

    Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

    i love those pictures melina looks amazing;)
  16. DuCaineluvr93

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    SpeedsDaughter, you're not weird that would be friggin amamzing;)
  17. DuCaineluvr93

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    Hey Wolfca, Love the video!!! I'll be waiting for that fanfic. Anyway at least DuCainers will get some scenes in the season finale!!!! yay!!!! with both of them possibly in danger What could be better?:)
  18. DuCaineluvr93

    H/Cal #5 - DuCaine...Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    absolutle amazing video!! heres to hoping;)