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  1. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    OH! That crying baby! I had such a laugh when I saw it on America's Funniest Home Videos. :lol: :lol: It's so funny, the parents move from their spot, the baby follows, throws himself on the floor and continues his routine. Too funny! Oh, and I love how the dog is following the adults around the...
  2. Lessien_Tinuviel

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

    I've only seen Frank Grillo in Prison Break as Nick Savrinn in Season 1. :) Not my idea of a "name" actor though. I was expecting someone older and...of a bigger name. Maybe they couldn't find that "name" actor in time? As for the "first airdate" thing, I have no idea if it means that Jimmy will...
  3. Lessien_Tinuviel

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    ^ Oh, I hear you, Elsie. I bought cards with glitter on them as well. I've got them all over my hands, and on whatever that I've touched since then. Meaning, my computer keyboard, clothes, etc. Yikes. :lol: I should be sending out my cards within the next few days. It'll take about 2-3 weeks...
  4. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Grade 'The Thing About Heroes'

    Definitely an A+ from me. Fantastic episode! :D I avoided this thread before watching the episode, to keep myself in the dark about everything that happened, and boy was I glad I did that. I read the spoilers quite some time ago, so I already knew that Drew was the 333 stalker (thank goodness...
  5. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

    I actually kind of like that tie. *ducks from flying projectiles* On its own, the colors on the tie are actually pretty nice, hehe. But that's just me. :lol: Mmm!!! Flack in Kevlar is always a welcome sight. :D The shirt-tie combo in the above pic is not too bad, hehe. It really brings out the...
  6. Lessien_Tinuviel

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    ^ If I had multi-tasked like you did, chances are that I would probably have sealed a blank card inside the envelope somewhere along the way too. :lol: I managed to get about 20 out of the 38 cards addressed today. I think I have way too much free time, LOL. My brain isn't capable of coming up...
  7. Lessien_Tinuviel

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    *raises hand* Me. :lol: I'm suffering from a serious hand cramp from copying down all the addresses (so that I don't have to keep coming back to the computer to look at them). *whimper* And then there's still the addressing of the cards and writing a greeting on it...oh, dear. I just...
  8. Lessien_Tinuviel


    The episode is airing December 13. :)
  9. Lessien_Tinuviel

    cold case

    This week's episode was great. :D I was glad to see Justin Hartley making an appearance on TV again. I loved him as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow in Smallville! Kind of refreshing to see him as the jerk, and I think he did a pretty nice job. He was believable as the charming guy with an ugly side...
  10. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    I was just beginning to re-watch my Season 1 DVDs too. I kinda miss his blonde highlights...hehe. ;) Thanks for all the pics, Lorelai! The photo of Carmine in the lab is just yummy. *licks screen*
  11. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Flack # 7 - Everybody Loves A Hero

    Sometimes I wish the wardrobe department would dress Flack in a leather jacket, for old times' sake. ;) He really did look so good in it. Hehehe. But I prefer his shorter hairstyle as opposed to his Season 1 look. The sideburns were a little too long back then. :lol:
  12. Lessien_Tinuviel

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Not a problem at all. :) I hope everyone saw my earlier post about the error in my address! ;)
  13. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    I was just watching the 3rd season on DVD, specifically the episode "Sweet 16" - #3.10, when I noticed something funny in a scene with Danny and Mac. About 9 minutes in, Mac and Danny at the apartment rooftop of the dead guy who reared all the racing pigeons. At around 09:12 to 09:23, Mac goes...
  14. Lessien_Tinuviel

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    *ALERT!* I hope everyone gets to read this post, and that it doesn't get lost somewhere in the thread...:lol: There is a small error in my address, which isn't lookaboomerang's fault, blame the crappy Microsoft Word. :o Anyway, there's a part in my address that should read: #04-03. In the...
  15. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    It does make sense. :D I see that too, his eyes totally light up when he smiles. *drools*
  16. Lessien_Tinuviel

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Wow, that's quite a long list! *breaks out piggy bank* I have no idea how much the stamps will cost either. :lol: I can start shopping for cards now that I know exactly how many I need to get. :p lookaboomerang, I just dropped you a PM about a teeny error in my address. :)
  17. Lessien_Tinuviel

    CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

    Wow, I had no idea that there was a picture of Mac dressed in his Marine uniform hung up in his office! And the plaque too. The set designers are amazing, the sets are decorated down to the last detail. It makes me ashamed of my country's television productions, everything loosk so fake...
  18. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    I've noticed that too. ;) If dreams could come true, I really hope that this is TPTB's way of easing Lindsay out of the show, and that by next season she'll be completely gone. :devil: Then they can stick AJ in the opening credits to fill up the space vacated. Hehehe. And, I wish they'd dress...
  19. Lessien_Tinuviel

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    Maybe Danny and Flack had a really rough night. :devil: Oh dear, I can't believe I just said something like that! You girls are corrupting me...*runs and hides*
  20. Lessien_Tinuviel

    It's that time again--Holiday Card Swap!

    Actually, even though I've already sent in my address a few weeks ago, I've been thinking about the cards that I'll be sending out, but not about the cards that will be coming in. It's just starting to sink in now. :lol: My parents don't know about this card swap thing, they don't really care...