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  1. nel2h

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    Gary more often replies to me to Twitter. Also he answers eMails.
  2. nel2h

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    Hurray, Gary is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!:drool::drool:
  3. nel2h

    Sid being wealthy

    I think Jo it has told Mac. She simply talks with pleasure and is curious.
  4. nel2h

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    Thanks Jade, very great. It is right to the weekend. :drool::devil::drool::devil:
  5. nel2h

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion #2 - Spoiler Scene: Do Not Cross

    Thanks Faylinn for the info.
  6. nel2h

    Grade 'Kill Screen'

    The first kiss with family was ridiculous. I hope Christine remains rare. The Screentime should be better used for the lab.
  7. nel2h

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    Gary needs rest. He has always stress enough.

  8. nel2h

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion #2 - Spoiler Scene: Do Not Cross

    Thanks Perl. I wish a nice Eastern!!!!!!:)
  9. nel2h

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    I know his illness. But I think this is private.
  10. nel2h

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    The injuries are not so bad. He will soon be again O.K.
  11. nel2h

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion #2 - Spoiler Scene: Do Not Cross

    Thanks a lot Faylinn and Perl for the interesting links. I hope we will also receive the Season 9.
  12. nel2h

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion #2 - Spoiler Scene: Do Not Cross

    Perl, Sid must remain. He is brilliant. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
  13. nel2h

    CSINY Season 9

    Iam, too!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup::drool::drool::drool: :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:
  14. nel2h

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion #2 - Spoiler Scene: Do Not Cross

    Perl, thanks a lot. Very good sound.:thumbsup:
  15. nel2h

    Gary #8: Chicago's Finest

    This morning I congratulated personally. I never forget Gary's birthday. He is a great man.
  16. nel2h

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    Yes Sam222, Mac is very handsome. Here Season 7 is just to end.
  17. nel2h

    Season 8 Spoiler Discussion #2 - Spoiler Scene: Do Not Cross

    Thanks vegaslights! I am already pleased about it. :guffaw::guffaw:
  18. nel2h

    Mac #9: We Are Oatmeal People

    Thanks Jade. Have a nice weekend! :guffaw::guffaw:
  19. nel2h

    Grade 'The Ripple Effect'

    The Mac/Christine scenes were still gratifying. But more are superfluous. Few episodes we can still see, should become differently decorates. 
Maybe some Actionscens of Mac.
