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  1. Radical618

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Oh I've given into spoilers, they're very tempting. Spike has shown Season 5 and 6 btw, WtG was on it a week or two ago. Yea, during the summer every ship's posts are so low beacuse they've discussed everything there is to discuss. Can't wait till Spetember. CSI Galore!
  2. Radical618

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    :lol: Nicely said, and agreed. I keep seeing season one eps on Spike and I'm really enjoying the season one GSR interaction. Dunno where I'm going with this, but probably that GSR is fantastic in just about every episode GSR is present.
  3. Radical618

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    Love that one LemonJelly. I've got it posted on my Myspace. I'm a Vegetarian now cause of Jorja (well, she was a contributing factor anyway :p)
  4. Radical618

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

    I have Scuba doobie Doo set to record because it doesn't show where I live for a few more days, or maybe I just missed it. Either way, now knowing it's a good CatNip eppy, it'll be even more exciting to watch.
  5. Radical618

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    My mom just asked me if I knew anyone who really, really, really loves m&m's. I smiled and said, "Not anyone I know personally." Then she said "Because you can personalize them now." I looked at her plainly and replied, "Mom, you have no idea." Love the map liff. For those who care, I'll post...
  6. Radical618

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    quoth I love that icon, do you mind if I steal it? I loved those pics of her 'modeling days' btw, she lookes stunning!
  7. Radical618

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    I just took a picture of it and I will be sure to post a pic when I load 'em on to the computer. that pic of Linds is stunning, and Danny would fall for that again and again. Just saw a real pool table as a prize on a gameshow and I looked up and smiled. Geeze we're all DL nerds.
  8. Radical618

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Vex, you can always join in on a convo. Just yell really loud and say something that can be spun in all sorts of dirty directions. :) Hope you all have been doing lovely, I haven't been here because I've been in Orlando since well yesterday but I've been swimming and all that. Wonder if Danny...
  9. Radical618

    Best Ship - Slash!

    I'm a Sara/Cath shipper myself, but That's closely followed by Nick/Warrick. That's more friendship, but still... a little Texan charm never hurt anyone :devil:
  10. Radical618

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    I'm a teenager and I think Griss is really good looking. He is one of those older guys you just have to love, like House (for those of you who are House fans anyway). And, eggy I like the Ron/Hermy, Harry/Hermy joke. I bet you're right too. :lol:
  11. Radical618

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

    Twinny, thanks, I figured out the name of the eppy when I watched it. I loved it btw, awesome CatNippyness. I'm falling in love with this ship constantly. I watched Redrum on Thursday, bit angsty there, no?
  12. Radical618

    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    Griss: What's the magnifying glass for? Cath: Well I wanted to make sure you were 'all there'. Griss: Ah, ha! Well, you see this knife? Cath: Yea? Griss: Need to magnify still?
  13. Radical618

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    I wonder if it's illegal to drink at an online party if I'm underage? :lol: jk. I wanna try a 'Sex on a Pool Table' first, I like to get right down to business, and that wasn't supposed to be dirty. Even though you all just made it dirty, don't lie. :D
  14. Radical618

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

    Holy cow, I hope I recorded the hugging eppy, have no idea what the name is, but chances are I did because I've never seen it. Yes, I'm gonna get to see some awesome CatNip scenes. As for Twinny's poll-ish thing, I'd say D, though I'm not quite sure who Lisa is, but she seems totally sane. :D
  15. Radical618

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    I love a good party! This is very exciting, have we ever had a party like this in another thread? Cammie you might've started one of the best moments in DL Thread history. I'm passing out favors as we speak, so hope you like them, (they're cookies that look like pool balls). As for Aunt Mo's...
  16. Radical618

    Caption Game - Shipper Central Style

    I don't mind, you can keep the pic up, as long as it's okay with modie... :D
  17. Radical618

    GREG Quotes

    Love that scene. I laughed for like 5 minutes. I don't have any good ones, and the ones I know I'm sure have been posted here. But these are great. Greg is hilarious!
  18. Radical618

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    I think that last scenerio would go as thus: Stella: I can't believe Lindsay let you put mirrors on the ceiling. Danny: Ah-yep! S: You're corrupting that girl. D: Da! lol. funny though, I like it.
  19. Radical618

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #5: A Beautiful Soul

    I love her curly hair, but her straight hair works too. Love all those pics, thanks!
  20. Radical618

    Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

    I was doing this thing on LJ where I said I'd like to see a CSI HP crossover so Sara and Hermione could have a smarts showdown. Honestly, they're both wicked smart. Greg would make a fantastic Harry. He would be one of those awesome guys who would go all out too. If I were a H/Hr shipper I'd...