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  1. L

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To my mother's boyfriend: How dare you tell me what to do? You're not my freakin' father! I can't believe you actually tried to or whatsoever. And to say that it's your house, even my room, is so not a step in the right direction. You know how I feel about my room. I have all the say in there...
  2. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Glad you like it :D I'll try to come up with some more tomorrow or whenever.. ETA lol YAY for my classmate's summaries :D Gotta love her. She made from 95 pages, 14 pages :eek: Saves me so much time! :cool: *looks at Roos' feet* Darlin, your laces.. :lol:
  3. L

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Okay good, I thought it was just me :p You both look pretty though :)
  4. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: Have to study 95 pages about the society :( :( I hate it I hate it I hate it!! Down: Have to work tonight. Down: The weather is beautiful but I WANT TO GO OUTSIIIIDE!! :( Up: I might see him again tonight. That is, if he's working..
  5. L

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Okay, maybe stupid question, but are you twins? :eek:
  6. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    11 o'clock? :eek: Oh, won't wait up for that then, will tape it :) Okay, so Lizzy did some research and here we are: Rientje Zippermom Katja Shedman Wouter Forrest Sophie Hillfire Wesley Cutter Arjen Seals Ilse the Long One Daphne Bunscookie Karin Flowers What d'you think? :lol: Try some...
  7. L

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    lol, been there :p Love the pics Roos! :)
  8. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Uh, that was last night! lol Aww, too bad, I was just beginning to love him! Just what I was thinking ;) I love you! :D My mom will like that too! I hate Eve! *looks at clock* uh Roos, it's 2 o'clock! :rolleyes:
  9. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe I just got an email from a teacher of mine :lol: Not a big deal really, but kinda funny when you think about it. I can't believe I haven't been writing in my journal for such a long time :( I hate neglecting my writing. I can't believe I think I found a new favorite tv-show.. I...
  10. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Of course I enjoy it, why wouldn't I? You get to study, I get to relax.. life is good :p How can you sleep too long? :eek: Up: Maths went excellent! I even left half an hour earlier. Up: Sun is shining. Up: Have three days to study for one big test. Up: Managed to diet for four days now :D...
  11. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Thanks for reminding me :) I liked today's ep, but didn't love it. The monkey (uh, I mean chimp :p) was cute, and the scene where the mother monkey was touching Abby's hair was hilarius! :lol: Loved the robot Dubencko as well, cool idea. I think the whole story around Pratt's family is kinda...
  12. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    really? Can't remember it :/ What was it about last week?
  13. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Okay then :) I already thought it was somewhere near the 26th. Great, just one month :D Woot, ER tonight! :cool:
  14. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Thanks Danique! Now I know why she said that she named her son after the son of o'Malley's dad ;) By the way, one of you said that Prison Break would start again in April, right? Who said that? Which exact date was it? Deb, my stepmother reminded me of the fact that I can take someone on my...
  15. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    :lol: sucker! So I figure you're a Nature student then? Pff, we haven't even started yet! I have 9 to do :( Hmm, that's actually pretty good. Last time I had 11. :( I so want a cat, but my mom won't let me! *eye-murders mom* Up: The weather is cheering up the whole country :cool: Up: I got...
  16. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Roosy, have you watched it yet? *points to avvie* :D Maybe you know what the name of Bailey's son is? She mentioned him, but I don't know what he's called.. Yes, HNTM sucks! It was nice talking to you all yesterday :p I'm looking forward to May. Anyone going to watch Miami tonight? Should I...
  17. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Yes, 9.30, right after we see what happens with the continuation of my avvie :D (yes, you hear that right, WE are going to watch Grey's Anatomy ;)) So, Eva, Roos, Deb and Laura, be there! :D And by the way, my brother is thinking about sending a letter to Paul the Lion for me :lol: (his name...
  18. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe a hotdog costs €4,90 in Disneyland! :eek: I can't believe I have to come to parent's night with my mom today :rolleyes: I mean, I'm all good and innocent at school *whistles and puts the copy of a stolen test under her desk* I can't believe how much I'm looking forward to Grey's...
  19. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Disneyland was THE BEST :D :D (CSI_Dani, Space Mountain was rockin' :D) Down: I'm really tired, because I was home at 2.30 this night, and I hardly slept in the bus because there wasn't any room to put my feet :p Down: Slept only two hours Saturday night as well :/ Up: Still, had a great...
  20. L

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    ^ Seriously? Fat? :eek: I don't know who of the three you are on the pic, but they look all beautiful :) So I went to Disneyland yesterday, and I thought to post these pics I made there. I made a total of 300 pictures, and these are probably my favorites: Me and Winnie the Pooh (He was sooo...