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  1. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe I asked my brother to come to my room, because I wanted to show him something and the first thing he asked was: "Is it about CSI?" :lol:
  2. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe Roos' name at msn made me laugh so hard! :lol:
  3. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    YOU shush! :rolleyes: I can't believe I'm going to Disneyland in Paris!! :D :D My work organised this trip, and I'm so looking forward to it! I've never been to Disneyland. Hell, I've never been to Paris :rolleyes: I can't believe we'll go in the middle of the night :eek: I can't believe my...
  4. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Down: My radio is being all weird. Down: I made at least two mistakes on my English test today. Up: I get to see a certain person again tomorrow :D Up: Grey's Anatomy tonight.
  5. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    Seriously, watch! I really liked this ep. You only get to see Cath at the beginning, and Sara at the end, but they both looked HOT! :D You have to choose though. Just tape Grey's and watch CSI ;)
  6. L

    Cake, Candles & Confetti ~ Birthday Thread #3

    Happy B'day Elsie and allstar12! :D Hope you have a nice day with loads of presents :p
  7. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    :lol: *no comment* I can't believe my mother doesn't know how to handle teenagers.. I can't believe I'm looking forward to school tomorrow. I can't believe it's Monday again. I can't believe I know I won't be happy with 80% for my English grammar test. I can't believe I didn't make homework...
  8. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    you're KIDDING?? :eek: YAY! wait! *runs to tell mom* She's really happy now! :D We both thought they couldn't mean for this to be a last episode, with Alex *cuts for spoiler* you know what I mean ;) Anyway, thanks :D Up: I'm eating Czech wafels, and they're so GOOD!! :D
  9. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    Ewl, I drank blue stuff one time. I'd seen it in the supermarket many times, and just wanted to try it out. Well, that was a big mistake! :p It was gross. I guess we should have mixed it with orange juice or something. Especially when we noticed it was pure vodka! :eek: I can't believe I went...
  10. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    :lol: You probably told her about your huge phone bill, didn't you? I always ask my sister to call me back too. It's just because she has more money than I do :p Up: I already finished my homework for the 7th period, so I could go home. That means that I was home 3 hours earlier, because there...
  11. L

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    I already thought so :p I liked the movie.. it's a long time ago though..
  12. L

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    Are you using that sentence just because it's a movie which Maura Tierney is in? :lol:
  13. L

    CSI: Holland #4 Holland = frietje speciaal

    OMG 15 cm Jayne? :eek: Seriously, we have like 15 mm! ;) The white on the road easily dissapears by traffic, so little do we have here :( But on the side walk, the trees, the plants, the grass, there's enough there.. about 5 cm. Still, I'm hoping for more, just to stay out of school tomorrow. We...
  14. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: I have internet again! YAY! Down: It took 4 days :( Up: I had the best weekend. Down: I slept too little.. I'm so fecking tired now, I sometimes fall asleep during classes. Up: Yesterday's art class was.. uh.. interesting :p Down: I have to work today. Up: I'm eating chocolate. Down: I'm...
  15. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe I was all dizzy Friday night.. ..and Saturday night :lol: I can't believe I went to bed at 3:45 am Friday night! I can't believe I got so many presents this weekend. I can't believe my sis and I made a video clip while we were brushing our teeth :lol:
  16. L

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To a friend: Sorry I haven't been online these days. I was away for the weekend, and when I got back I suddenly had no internet, for a couple of days. I hope everything's okay with you, and that you got through it. I will be online more often now. If you're online tonight, I definitely will be...
  17. L

    Cake, Candles & Confetti ~ Birthday Thread #3

    A very happy birthday crazy_steph! :D You have the same b'day as our Dutch queen :p (and thanks Dolphin & Daniela! :) )
  18. L

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: a guy I sort of like asked me something today.. *squee* :D Down: have to go to work in 5 min :(
  19. L

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe you called me cute!! :p I can't believe I have the same birthday as Oprah Winfrey!! :D Oh wait, I posted this exact same sentence a couple of days ago.. lol.. well, I really can't believe it :lol: Happy birthday Oprah!!! :D
  20. L

    Cake, Candles & Confetti ~ Birthday Thread #3

    Thanks Roos, hhunter, Jayney, Rella, and MissMontana :D I really love this thread, so much nice b-day wishes ;) Still don't know them Dynamo1, except for the guy who played Monica's boyfriend :p Thanks anyway..