Search results

  1. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Awesome. I will definitely take a look see. Thanks! :) Edited: Actually, it's really well written but... I sort of save the drama for the actual show. I was hoping for some silly romance... ;) Nick/OC. Edited to add: Ugh, I hope I didn't just sound like a dick. :p Smokey has some mad...
  2. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Any of you guys read fanfiction? I'm finding it hard to find Nick/OC stuff on Fanfiction.Net- it's all slash with Greg (SO not my thing), matches with other characters, or he already has a wife. Meh.
  3. BabaOReilly

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    I saw Fast Five and Bridesmaids. Both were good, but Bridesmaids in particular almost made me wet my pants a few times. It's like a chick flick made for chicks who hate chick flicks- like me! Man, it was hysterical. My friend and I were both sore from laughing after the movie. :lol:
  4. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Do you think they're the "write your own vows" types? I actually hate that crap. :lol:
  5. BabaOReilly

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    Thor. It wasn't bad- the Asgard stuff was pretty cool from an effects perspective. All the performances were fine, even though the tendancy with these Scandanavian legendary types is to make them sort of of pithy. The dialogue, then, was similarly not quite up to say "Iron Man" standards, but it...
  6. BabaOReilly

    Marg on Justin Bieber

    I'm going to take a shot in the dark and guess that Marg is not overly concerned about what the Bieberverse thinks about her. Again, kids often miss the subtleties of "adult" humor. ;)
  7. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    I really liked it in Gum Drops... actually the start of that whole season was nice. And the start of this season (11) I really liked it too- didn't hurt that he was in that hot suit for the funeral in the first ep either. ;) A taste of weddings to come perhaps? :)
  8. BabaOReilly

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Wow, where is everybody? You guys still watching? ;)
  9. BabaOReilly

    Marg on Justin Bieber

    I just watched this and... I can't help but think this is getting made into something WAY more than was intended by Marg. I mean, I'm no kid and I get called a brat all the time for the tomfoolery I regularly do. She had a big smile on her face when she was saying this stuff and it all felt...
  10. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #42

    Thanks Jacquie. That was fast! :)
  11. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Anyone got some pics from Working Stiffs they can post in the picture thread? Man, that would be a great theme for the usual competition too- post pics of Nick's best hair for the wedding! :lol: And Praetor, though I'm loathe to admit it, you're probably right about who runs the show at most...
  12. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    Hah, I know we care about his hair, but I was just wondering if most guys care about their haircuts at their weddings? Doesn't seem like George's style to care, but hopefully Monika helps in that regard! :lol: I would take his hair from the season 11 opener, or pretty much any of the "medium"...
  13. BabaOReilly

    Doctor Who!

    I actually quite liked this one. I gotta be honest though, this whole pregnancy thing is annoying me. I was hoping I was going to be able to watch one show where there wasn't some big secret drama about a character being pregnant... sigh. :p Regardless though, not like I'm going to stop...
  14. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #12

    I actually like that he's not wearing the wife-beater tank. I hate those on guys. He looks more athletic in this style, methinks. :) I wonder what his hair will be like for the wedding? Hah, do you think guys care about that sort of thing? :p
  15. BabaOReilly

    Bones #3: To Resist Is Futile

    Man, I watched Vampire Diaries and cried through half of it. Then I cried through the ending of this week's Bones. These shows are killing me! :p Great ep, and one of my faves this season. :)
  16. BabaOReilly

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Wow, cool episode! I felt so bad for Dean when he realized Castiel was lying to him (the Superman/kryptonite moment). It just felt like one of his brothers let him down again- like Sam before he got his soul back. Very intense ep and I totally loved it. Side note- I totally know the guy who...
  17. BabaOReilly

    Doctor Who!

    I liked part 2 better than part 1 I think. And it was weird after all the hubbub about it being in the US, it really didn't feel very American to me. :lol: Oh well. Still enjoyable.
  18. BabaOReilly

    Game of Thrones

    I've watched both episodes too and I'm totally hooked! It's quite well done. I'm enjoying everything, but I have to admit I'm dying for them to spend some quality time at that giant wall, and the things that are supposedly beyond it. Now that the "bastard" son is there, I'm hoping we'll get to...
  19. BabaOReilly


    Yeah I didn't want to say what actually happened because I'm never sure where the US in terms of viewing compared to Canada. Seems like sometimes you're behind and others ahead? I can't keep track. :p
  20. BabaOReilly


    What the... I just watched the last episode of Flashpoint- Fault Lines- AND ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!! They can't leave me hanging there! Ahhhhhhh! Is this a new episode they're showing in May, so we know what happens, or what? Holy moley that was an uncool place to leave me hanging...