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  1. BabaOReilly

    Game of Thrones

    You know, it wasn't as great as I was hoping, but it was still pretty good. And they always go out with a bang and leave you craving more. I love that about this show.
  2. BabaOReilly


    Wow. I just watched all the episodes this weekend and I gotta say- it's AWESOME. I wasn't sure what to expect, and was worried that the bouncing from reality to reality would be tiresome... and it's totally not. What an amazing show. I hope it lasts, but I don't have high hopes. What a shame...
  3. BabaOReilly

    Once Upon A Time

    And we finally know why Regina hates Snow! Jeeze, hold a grudge lady, or what? :lol:
  4. BabaOReilly

    Game of Thrones

    ohmigawd omigawd omigawd I am WAY too excited for the first ep tonight! :eek:
  5. BabaOReilly

    Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

    Holy poopsnacks... any of you cats still watching this show, or what? Because tonight's episode was a humdinger! :eek:
  6. BabaOReilly

    The Walking Dead

    AGREED. LORI MUST GO. And she can take that little idiot Carl with her. Andrea might be redeeming herself slowly for me, though. The finale was much better than the previous few eps. I was hankering for some action that lasted a little more than the last 5-10 minutes of the episode for a...
  7. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Actually I remember reading that too, blackflag. I'm sure yoga would be excellent for his back.
  8. BabaOReilly

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I can live with the hair... if it doesn't get any longer! :p I was also interested to see Nick wearing a Lululemon shirt. I wonder if Nick is into yoga? :lol:
  9. BabaOReilly

    The Walking Dead

    Yeah, adios Shane. Good riddance! :p If you mean that all you had to do to become a zombie before was die, then, no- you had to be bitten before. It seems you don't even need that anymore. I don't know how that will affect them overall though... maybe people who were simply dead (not...
  10. BabaOReilly

    Once Upon A Time

    Yeah, a really good episode for sure- one of the best ones so far. :) Although I hope they've revealed everyone they need to now, and we can start getting into the overall arc more.
  11. BabaOReilly

    The Walking Dead

    Whoh, things got interesting! The first 2 thirds of the last ep were pretty boring, but then it got a bit crazy. So I guess this means all you have to do is die to become a zombie now, huh? Wild!
  12. BabaOReilly

    The Last Movie You Saw - Thread 4

    I just saw John Carter (3D) and it was surprisingly entertaining! And worth seeing in 3D, unlike so many other live action (vrs animated) films. The story was a lot more complex then I expected, as were the characters. Really, a fun film to see on the big screen.
  13. BabaOReilly

    Person of Interest

    The episode with the baby was pretty good, but the part where John gets bamboozled by Elias felt... off to me, for some reason. Like it was just too easy. Still, good episode.
  14. BabaOReilly

    Once Upon A Time

    I am still enjoying this show but... it's time for some overall arc stuff. I am enjoying the individual character stories, for sure, but I'm thinking it's time for some more stuff to start happening regarding the overall story. If that makes sense...
  15. BabaOReilly

    The Walking Dead

    I'm just terrible with names in general. I do love Darryl though. He's the diamond in the rough on this show, for sure.
  16. BabaOReilly

    The Walking Dead

    Oh yeah- I always call Darryl "Merle" by mistake. :p
  17. BabaOReilly

    The Walking Dead

    I mostly agree... except I only want Rick, Glenn and Merle and the black guy (who has had such a small role that I can't even remember his name!) to survive. I'd love if Lori and Carl died and Rick went all Road Warrior! :p Poor Dale... I bawled like a baby!
  18. BabaOReilly

    Hawaii Five-0: The next generation

    It's funny, a friend and I were discussing that Alex was looking a little leaner and a bit gaunt. Poor guy. Seems like a lot of actors get hooked on pain meds- I'm thinking Hollywood doctors get a paid a little too well to remember their Hippocratic Oaths sometimes. :rolleyes: I know these...