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  1. R

    THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

    Just found this thread (spending too much time in CSI Miami threads). So thought I would say hi and look forward to chatting with you all.
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    Dancing on Ice

    I think she was good too as was Kyran Bracken. I think Stephen needs to work harder although I can imagine how scarey it is.
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    I can't think of any day I don't watch CSI. Monday - DVD (mum takes over) Tuesday - CSI (new series starts this week on Five) Wednesday - CSI Miami (Living TV) Thursday - CSI (Five US) then CSI Miami (Living TV) Friday - CSI NY (Five US) Saturday - CSI (Five) Sunday - CSI / CSI Miami (Five US)...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Have to agree with sandersidle and Dutchie if it's real please loose it. No my favourite look for him. I feel a bit out of it as I don't have any pictures to post 9don't have the time to look). So I'll just happily gaze at everyone elses if thats ok.
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    Top Ten Rated Shows

    Nothing ever seems to beat the soaps in the UK. Looking at the tops for individual channels though Living TV would be lost without any of the CSI's. They fill at least 8 of the top 10 spots.
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    Dancing on Ice

    So poor Phil went out last night. I was so hoping it would be Ulrika. The marking was terrible and uneven as well I thought. Some people were better than others but got rubbish scores for either not skating enough or not doing enough. I see that Nikki is fighting with Jason to be the nastiest...
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    CSI Bookmarks

    This sounds like a fantastic idea. I've seen some on ebay but not many designs. I'm all for it.
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    I'm so slow again :( Happy Birthday Ryan Lover :lol:. Hope you had a great day. Just adding to the convo on character development. It can get annoying when they throw in little things about family, etc and you have no idea what they are talking about. I'm all for it as long as it doesn't...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Togoholic. Now I like that term. Must remember that one. I am now offish a togoholic, lol.
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    Dancing on Ice

    Hahaha very true. And after all none of them would be anywhere if it wasn't for Simon Cowell. I just think he spoils it a little.
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    ~Favorite CSI:Miami Moments!~

    Ok Nailed stands out (like many people). I loved the bit when Eric drives Ryan to the hospital. Hardly anything is said and for that moment you know they have put everything aside and that Eric really cares. Just thought it was so touching.
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    Best Episode List

    I can only think of two at the moment. 1) Nailed (without a doubt my number one) 2) Curse of the coffin (so funny)
  13. R

    Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

    Welcome to everyone. You'll have a fab time!
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13 So many posts to catch up on, sorry if I repeat anything. Firstly loving the new thread title. Not what I chose at first but was my close second. Watch a little of S3 last night cna couldn't believe how skinny he looked back then to now. He's definately built up those...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13 I don't think I could even begin to ween myself off JT at the mo and especially now my season 3 box set has arrived. I get to watch all the bits i missed first time round. I didn't really noticed him then as I was only just getting into CSI Miami. So I'm off to watch the...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13 I really shouldn't read this at work. People are looking at me funny. Oh well if only they knew. Wardrobe would have to be the best job in the world. You would be able to say 'Sorry Jon that shirt just doesn't look right could you try this one. Nope I think you should...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13 That last bit so made me laugh and the images in my head are so rude I can't express. If only we had the influence.
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13 The more I see the orange the more I like. Like others I too was not keen on the colour but he so makes it look sexy. RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 I thought this kind of thing was part of acting 30 (which I turn soon). As for acting responsible without this thread I couldn't do it...
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13 Hmmm just everything about him is perfect. Damn they never make men like that for me to find.
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    Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13 His shirts / t-shirts are already tight around the arms I've noticed. *Hmmm mental note to self - must watch more than his arms*