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  1. Wolverine_Eagle

    GLEE- Are You a GLEEk?

    rotfl apparently one of the episodes coming up will have Kurt doing the song Single Ladies >.< they put a teaser of it on youtube... see :
  2. Wolverine_Eagle

    Other Fandom FanArt #4-Showcase & Requests

    i made 2 more Glee/ Lea Michele icons i would make more when i find more screencaps.. haha with the other cast =D
  3. Wolverine_Eagle


    i am seriously anxious about the premiere. ^_^ Fringe is one of my few shows that i would hate to miss haha
  4. Wolverine_Eagle

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    KReguba, just click on my name and view my homepage, it has the link there... You know you watch too much CSI NY, when you can tell exactly which episode it is, just by the outfits the characters are wearing. And you can recite the lines without hearing them :D
  5. Wolverine_Eagle

    Other Fandom FanArt #4-Showcase & Requests

    i just randomly made some Lea Michele/Glee icons
  6. Wolverine_Eagle

    CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 3 - Ch.#43: Sheldon Hawkes - Results!

    Re: CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 3 - Ch.#41: Blue - Now Open! i would try to do it... but i won't be able to pm... because idk if my 2 weeks and 50 posts will be done by then :(
  7. Wolverine_Eagle

    GLEE- Are You a GLEEk?

    it's not just you... he is hawt! hehe. encore presentation of the episode is tomorrow woot
  8. Wolverine_Eagle

    GLEE- Are You a GLEEk?

    yeah... Mercedes is a great character and so is the rest of them :D funnily enough, i end up thinking about my drama friends when i watch the show >.<
  9. Wolverine_Eagle

    GLEE- Are You a GLEEk?

    tonight's episode is hilarious so far. but i won't say what happened :). it's official.... i am hooked
  10. Wolverine_Eagle

    Photos #6 - Lights, Camera, 'Snap'!

    this is me... drinking my favorite drink on a trip to Union Station in DC with my sibs Me and my sis in DC Another or me and my sis... Cherry blossoms woot...
  11. Wolverine_Eagle

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    when you are on a CSI NY RPG site or if you are the owner of said site.. when most of your graphics are CSI NY related when you call your grandmother, and the first thing besides hi and i miss you , you ask about CSI NY....
  12. Wolverine_Eagle

    CSI New York Sites

    well... i have a CSI NY roleplaying site (well it has all three... but main focus is CSI NY)
  13. Wolverine_Eagle

    Favorite Episode of Season Five?

    I voted for yahrzeit because of the fact it was a simply powerful episode. My other favorites include; The Box- mostly because it was a Danny-centric episode. Pay Up- because of how emotional it was and it kept me on the edge of my seat Sex, Lies and Silcone - do i even need to explain...
  14. Wolverine_Eagle

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 since i finished reading Angels and Demons, i am rereading the twilight saga. well books 1-3 since i don't have Breaking Dawn
  15. Wolverine_Eagle

    GLEE- Are You a GLEEk?

    So... anyone is going to catch the premiere of Glee tonight? did anyone watch the Pilot? i did and loved it.... i can't wait for it tonight ;)
  16. Wolverine_Eagle

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 OMG... i am reading 'Angels and Demons' as well... i forgot what page i am on, and i am too lazy to look right now >.< but i just got it this week :)
  17. Wolverine_Eagle

    Worst Movies Ever

    for me.... The Blair Witch Project was one of the worst movies ever... it wasn't even scary. i think the only reason why it was rated R was because of the multitude of curse words that were used.
  18. Wolverine_Eagle

    Wizards of Waverly Place and Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie

    I saw it the day it premiered, it was better than i expected. It was just so funny to see Jerry with powers. and it was sweet to see how much the family actually cares alot about each other.I especially loved the scene where Alex and Justin were competing for the full wizard powers