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  1. D

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    Well I'm keeping my fingers, toes, arms and eyes crossed that NY gets picked up for another season! As you can guess, by doing all this I'm looking pretty strange right about now :rolleyes:
  2. D

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    Ooooh so many pretty pictures of the yummy Detective and so little time to look at them. I've always had a soft spot for Mac, I think he's delicious.
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    Fanfic Request/Ideas, Recommendation & Showcase

    Hey guys I'm here to shamelessly promote my own story. It's on ongoing DannyOC, following Aiden's dismissal from the lab. Hope you guys will give it a chance, I'm really excited about this story and I've already had great feedback on Title: Definitley Maybe Author: DannysGirl (aka...
  4. D

    The future of the CSI franchise--Will all 3 series get another season?

    Re: The future of the CSI franchise--Will all 3 series get another sea I'm keeping my fingers crossed NY gets ladybronco said it'd be nice to see Sela return, her character needs a chance to develop. I just think NY still has a tonne to tell us, and a load of stories to explore...
  5. D

    Favourite Character of CSI:NY ;)

    Ah yes Jo, how could I have forgotten about her?! :wtf: I love Jo I think she's awesome, and your right she certainly is like a breath of fresh air for the show. So yep for me, it's Danny, Jo and Flack :lol:
  6. D

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    I loved the origional CSI and that's the one I first started watching...I did lose quite a bit of interest when Grissom left even though Langston seems cool. It just wasn't the same, I started missing eps then just stopped bothering to catch them. As for Miami, I did watch that, mainly like...
  7. D

    If you could pick your own CSI:NY dream team who would it be?

    Wow a dream team? I think maybe I could go on forever listing who I'd want but I'll just give you my top 7 favs.... 1. Mac - Just because he's Mac, he's awesome. Definatley the perfect leader for my Dream team. 2. Danny - Just because he's Danny and he's soooo hot! LOL preferably season 1 or 2...
  8. D

    Why Lindsay Must Go, Part 4

    Hey I'm not ashamed to say...even yell from the rooftops...that I do not like Lindsey at all. The actress is fine but Lindsey is just to bland a character for me, when compared to the awesomeness that was Aiden. Now I know they're complete opposites and I'm all for that but lindsey is just no...
  9. D

    Favourite Character of CSI:NY ;)

    That's an easy one to answer: Danny Messer!!!! :drool: Next would obviously be Flack but I'm a Danny girl all the way. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
  10. D

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    Hey guys There has to be a season 8! If Miami can go 9 seasons, New York should be able to do better. It's the only one I watch lately I love it, and will be gutted if they decide to cancel it. As for Danny's promotion...I'd be made up to see that. Mainly because 'and I hope I don't get shot...