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  1. K

    DVD (Tv Shows) Announcement - Discussion Thread

    I just wanna say YEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! 'Get Smart' finally on DVD, I love it! The whole series, so sweet.
  2. K

    Guest Stars Wish List

    Hmmm...I like the idea of a NY/NCIS crossover. Also, someone said before, Bobby Canavale...loved Third Watch. And I would also like to see Gary's bass make another appearance...
  3. K

    Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

    Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister. seriously...there's a transcript? I didn't know a dial-up user out guys!
  4. K

    Gary Sinise Fan Project: Operation Iraqi Children

    The only place that I could find one was at a Fry's Grocery store, but Walgreens might have them.
  5. K

    NCAA Football

    Ahhh, I guess he'll do. If he's any better than Koetter I'll be happy.
  6. K

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    Blast you finals you make me miss it again! :mad:
  7. K

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    How about every time I put latex gloves on in the kitchen at school I make some sort of reference to processing something. And I'm always worried about fingerprints and GSR. :lol:
  8. K

    NCAA Football

    I hate Hawai'i, at least we fired Koetter.
  9. K

    Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

    Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister. Gary was the only good part of The Forgotten, but I watched it just for him so... And yeah he's wearing glasses!
  10. K

    Gary Sinise Fan Project: Operation Iraqi Children

    Ok I finally did find some scissors and a pencil bag (at a Fry's grocery store...that was kinda weird) so I should be able to get mine sent by the end of this week. So just keep your fingers crossed. :)
  11. K

    Grade 'Raising Shane'

    I loved this storyline, just flat out awesome. Great acting, great plotline and I don't if its been mentioned, but also GREAT music for both the Shane Casey episodes. Really haunting, creepy...really added alot to the episode. A+.
  12. K

    Gary Sinise Fan Project: Operation Iraqi Children

    ^Cool...I should have mine ready by monday or tuesday. just have to get those last few items.
  13. K

    Gary Sinise Fan Project: Operation Iraqi Children

    Thanks, I'll check walmart or maybe target on a less busy day.
  14. K

    Gary Sinise Fan Project: Operation Iraqi Children

    Ok heres a question...Does anybody sell blunt end scissors and pencil bags anymore? Cuz I looked today, and I couldn't find any.
  15. K

    The Oregon Trail: CSI NY version

    I remember Oregon Trail...5th grade I think it was when we played that. Except it got banned by our computer teacher because we always just tried to off our characters in as many different ways as possible, instead of actually trying to get to Oregon. I don't think anyone ever made it. Seems...
  16. K

    Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

    Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister. Geez...he's gonna surpass the USO champ, Bob Hope, in contributions to that great organization.
  17. K

    NCAA Football

    Yeah the only decent game we've played all year.
  18. K

    Gary Sinise Fan Project: Operation Iraqi Children

    I am soo in on this one...i don't usually participate in fan projects but this one is good.
  19. K

    NCAA Football

    yay Arizona State is bowl eligible! kinda...
  20. K

    Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

    Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister. Wow a third thread! I've been out lately, college can really suck sometimes. Sweeeet pics of Gary and WP though...