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  1. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

    Re: Grissom & Sara # 25 "Running up the Phone Bill" Fogs I'm totally psyched to have the GoScaRs back again! Yippee! I'll try to get in to nominate when I have some more time... and if I miss the nominations I'm sure my fellow gutterflies will have every single moment already...
  2. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    Anyways. So I was rewatching LLV. Yes, I'm an addict and I need help. But this is the one Thursday I'm GLAD CSI isn't new. Why? Because our cable company is having issues with the fiber optics they use. Gah. So I have no TV. For at least three more days. So I watch tapes. And what is...
  3. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    *cough* TS is gonna smack you for numbers 9 and 10 And while I'm all for the NO BABIES! Hey, it's MY campaign here. I'd have to say I like GSR - Running up the Phone Bill Or how about just a simple - Miss You. That's all I have time to say right now - I gotta go to work. Again...
  4. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    *Sends evil death glare in Alyssa's direction.* NO BABIES!! AHHH!! As for the body language thing... I'll admit that it does look a little like she's showing signs of pregnancy. But... perhaps she is hiding, just not a baby belly. I can even use myself as an example here - When I am...
  5. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    I'd like to introduce you to the Spoiler Box. Adzix let me know when it's safe. Wow. I must really like spoiler boxes tonight huh? My day just got officially better. I love CSIday!
  6. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    BREATHE I've been having the longest day EVER. If it can go wrong - it will go wrong. Seriously. From spilling pop all over my power strip to my car tire being flat. That's just for starters - but I won't bore ya'll with the rest. And on top of THAT - I think I finally got the flu that's...
  7. Turtlebaby

    If Grissom Leaves After 2007 **NO Spoilers**

    Re: If Grissom Leaves After 2007 I'd give it a chance. Like a month where I MADE myself watch it no matter how depressed it made me, and judge it then. And it depends on how they write him off - you know like if they have him move away... or take a teaching position somewhere... then I would...
  8. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    I'm not a jumper. *sigh* I'm the idiot that will drown on a sinking ship while waving sadly to all of you swimming for safety. I'm such a geek. *sigh* That is all.
  9. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    :claps: Adz will be very thrilled to hear this! Sorry Adzix!! I can't wait for Jan. 4 - I think I'm going to go NUTS. And I understand that this is like... way late and that Santa has come and gone - but perhaps the new years baby will take the time to swing this by before he has to...
  10. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    *snorts* TS that is the best thing EVER. Who woulda thought elf Grissom would make me laugh so hard! For real, I almost died laughing so hard. Merry Christmas you all! I dunno if I'll be back before then so I just wanted to take a moment to say that. And for anyone who doesn't celebrate...
  11. Turtlebaby

    How would CSI find your body?

    - Not naked would be good. - Preferably before my body becomes soup - Unless I'm going to be naked. Then soup is good. - I don't want to be murdered. - Or some other painful scary way. - I want to die laughing on my 89th birthday. - Chocolate overdose. I'd slip into an unconsiousness full of...
  12. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    I think she calls him pooh-bear when they're at home. And he calls her honey-pot, and they play "100 acre woods". *cough* Like Alyssa said, sorry about the boxes!! But she's not the only one that's passionate about her ship! :p I remember. I loved my sweet sweet little GSR...
  13. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    Just so you know, I stole a whole lotta them. lol They will from this point on be used for my display pic for my MSN messenger and other random boards that I frequent. You start making Bones icons and you will be my best friend ever. Don't worry, I'll make sure to credit you always! And if...
  14. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    Noooooo.... *cough* I really didn't though - which is why it was so funny. Someone else in this town is a GSR shipper. I was shocked! That is all.
  15. Turtlebaby

    I Can't Believe It #6

    I can't believe it's already 2 in the afternoon and I'm still sitting here in my pajamas chatting about CSI. I can't believe my boss actually had to force me to use my vacation time. I can't believe how unbelievably booored I am right now.
  16. Turtlebaby

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. When you aren't going to be into work for just over a week and your boss (whom you have every reason to believe hates you) informs you that he's going to miss you and your twisted Grissom addiction. Apparently I'm more transparent then I thought.
  17. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    I'm ashamed to admit I haven't gotten these yet. I have the other five seasons though - so bite me. :p And just so you know I've TRIED to buy them. Really I have. But it seems like every single time I go into the store (take your pick, this is ND - we don't have THAT many) they are sold...
  18. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

    I think it's airing Jan. 4th, but if I'm wrong - which I don't think I am - then I'm sure someone will be along shortly to correct me. Ah sweet GSR in the backseat makeout sessions. What would we do without them? Boy better make sure he's got an open ticket. :devil: 'Cause you know they...
  19. Turtlebaby

    Thread Titles Rules - UP'D 10/01/08 - PLEASE READ!!

    Re: Thread Titles - All Posters Please Read and Respond!!! Not a problem as I'm always mysteriously missing when we change threads... how does that happen? But incase I'm ever around - Understood.
  20. Turtlebaby

    Anyone on Myspace?

    Awesomeness! I have a myspace too! And a very short friends list... I'm not there alot, but feel free to add me! Myspace It's set on private because I've got some weird stalker like