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  1. talkingtocactus

    Grade 'Do or Die'

    my new favourite word :D er so this ep. it was ok but nothing great. i was on skype with jade nolan at the time so these comments are lifted from what i said at the time (hurrah for chat history) ok, first off: lindsay & danny at the scene. how the hell did they make lucy if it took them that...
  2. talkingtocactus

    eReaders-What's your Thoughts

    Do you have one? no, i have two! got the kindle first, and i have an ipad, which i use for kindle too. i spent months trying to convince myself that i didn't need/want an ipad but i gave in and it'll have to be surgically removed! what i love is that if i read a book on my kindle it syncs...
  3. talkingtocactus

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    yeah i agree. 4 i did quite like, and 5 was mostly not too bad, but after the end of 5 so i guess the last 2-3 seasons things have been on a marked downward trend and i'd rather it was put out of its misery than left to die a slow and painful death. yeah there is that but then i still wonder...
  4. talkingtocactus

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    totally agree. although switch mac for flack :) (but i'll miss flack too!) i don't think CM is quite that bad yet but i agree with your point.
  5. talkingtocactus

    What's Your Favorite Smart Phone App?

    i like angry birds but i don't love it. i prefer cut the rope and fluffy birds. totally agree about getglue tho
  6. talkingtocactus

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    well yes there is that but if they were asked the question directly (as i seem to remember they were at one point, i believe it came up at their junket thing a few weeks ago, something ny was notably absent from on any level) they can't just evade it altogether. don't get me wrong, i think it...
  7. talkingtocactus

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    ^ (at all the preceding posts) i'm kind of the opposite really - i have nothing against the show really and over the years have REALLY enjoyed it, but i definitely think it's run its course (and in fact over run somewhat), it's nothing like as good as it used to be, i don't think there's much...
  8. talkingtocactus

    Grade 'The Untouchable'

    very good point!
  9. talkingtocactus

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    let's hope so! i read that saunders piece with a massive grin on my face :)
  10. talkingtocactus

    What's Your Favorite Smart Phone App?

    oh god so many!!!!! nb all of these i mention are iphone/ipad - they may have droid equivalents but i'm not sure... i think my all time favourite is more toast! by maverick, which lets you make virtual toast (or toaster pastries, crumpets, waffles etc) and put virtual toppings on them and...
  11. talkingtocactus


    that's how it seemed to me too - i guess sometimes it is hard to know which stories are real (especially on april 1st) but you'd think that, as writers, if they saw a story like that they could've done some fact checking before ripping it wholesale. as the writer says ripped from the headlines...
  12. talkingtocactus

    Grade 'The Untouchable'

    ah, fair enough - i've only ever heard 'black sox' in relation to those 8 but i suppose it's more widely used too - i jumped immediately from comiskey to white sox but yeah, like you said, to go straight to black sox would be more of a leap. anyway, either way i bet lindsay saved the say...
  13. talkingtocactus

    Gary #7; Baby, You can be my Breakfast

    those two in particular just "......" - i know i've had them a little while now but i can't help it! every time i see them i just go all melty again:drool::drool::drool: i REALLY have got to work out what that book is he's reading too - i've tried de-blurring it but not having much luck, even...
  14. talkingtocactus

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    oooooh yes :drool::drool::drool: i think we all share that little weakness actually.
  15. talkingtocactus

    Grade 'The Untouchable'

    i got it - and i agree :) ugh, yeah, he sounds more preachy by the day, even if he's just saying something mundane and evidence related he sounds like he's lecturing a child who's just been found doing something it shouldn't:rolleyes: haha yeah, i totally read it in lee's voice, after all...
  16. talkingtocactus

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    cheers sari :) i will let you know. if it helps i've been really mean about the last few eps (they deserved it) so if it is bad i won't hold back. so *points at mac and writers* they'd better bloody deliver!! wisty: yep :D
  17. talkingtocactus

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    i really NEED tonight's ep to be good. probably confirmed toxoplasmosis and a french exam tonight - bring on mac :D
  18. talkingtocactus

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    i'm quite impressed they got peter fonda, he's cool. i think i tweeted @ gary in a silly moment that i was assuming the case would revolve around stoners on motorbikes :D heh, peter fonda has weird connotations for me, and not just easy rider...
  19. talkingtocactus


    i think there was a thread about this over in the vegas section but i've started it here as this applies specifically to NY... this article is by a guy who said he wrote a story as an april fool's hoax (ie wrote it as...
  20. talkingtocactus

    Grade 'Vigilante'

    so do most self respecting mancunians ;) and no, not you specifically but it is a linguistic oddity that over here it's a circle and over there it's a cycle. it also means you guys suffer a limit on your visual gag repertoire. indeed ;)