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  1. CSIMandy

    8x04 - In Plane Sight ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Throughout the episode, I was looking for Natalia she was never on! Her absence from the episode could've at least been explained. As cute as Ryan looked, didn't like the vest either. It drives me crazy that H continues to do that to Ryan. I've always wondered why, I don't think he's ever...
  2. CSIMandy

    8x04 - In Plane Sight ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I have to admit I thought Ryan would find the money under the tiles, I'm glad that didn't happen too predictable. Jesse is really sweet and I'm glad that him and Ryan are getting along so well. I'll admit I didn't like when I read that Walter was being added to the show, but after seeing him in...
  3. CSIMandy

    8x03 - 'Bolt Action' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I agree, Eric and Calleigh were not looking to be alone. It was tension from not being able to talk to one another until the investigation was over.
  4. CSIMandy

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    Hey did anyone see Eddie on Regis and Kelly?? I read that he would be on but forgot to tune in.
  5. CSIMandy

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    Why is CSI Miami adding even more to their cast? I don't know the actor whose joining and have nothing against him but one addition was enough. The show should have concentrated on improving the screentime of the cast, giving each an equal amount
  6. CSIMandy

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    Don't feel bad, I still use my VCR and I always buy VCR tapes. Dollar store sells them and Walmart. Thanks for the spoiler! Cool I didn't know that a spin off was in the works.
  7. CSIMandy

    The bar/cafe scene at the end!!! Season 8 episode 2

    I loved the ending, it was a refreshing change from what we are used to seeing. Sure CSI Miami has done a few scenes like this in the past, but it is rare. I would like to see more scenes like this, after a hard day at work seeing everyone hanging out and just having a good time.
  8. CSIMandy

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    I understand, I too wasn't that excited that Eddie was joining the show. It isn't that Eddie isn't a good actor, it was more about the worry that he would get more screentime than the others on the team. After seeing him in this episode, it's kind of hard not to like him. I hope the writers can...
  9. CSIMandy

    Rick Stetler/David Lee Smith--Some Bad Boys ARE Cute Up Close!

    It was great seeing DLS again, though I have to say I was surprised when Rick referred to himself as Lieutenant - didn't see that coming. I hope he's shown more this season
  10. CSIMandy

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    Late commenting on last week's episode, but better late than never. I was excited about this episode and I feel let down. I was hoping they would find the man who attacked Hotch but they didn't and it looks like they won't for a while at least that's the impression I got after seeing the preview...
  11. CSIMandy

    Talk Law & Order Here

    Just watched tonight's episode of SVU, I don't like the new DA and I'm glad Stabler told her off. Hated the ending, though predictable still hated it. Regarding last week's episode, I liked it. I liked Wentworth's role even though he did cross the line at times
  12. CSIMandy

    8x02 - 'Hostile Takeover' **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    Agreed. I'll admit it when I saw the previews and saw Jesse shirtless I thought it was just for eye candy but it wasn't. Jesse took off his shirt to help and was given another shirt to wear not too long after. The scene made sense.