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  1. S

    CSI Jumping the Shark?

    Re: GSR, Miniature Killer, Sara in Peril: Jumping the Shark Considering that you wrote this: How can you now declare that the show is on shark warning? What you wanted has come true. Also, Sara is on swing shift, which means that major changes have happened within her career, and we...
  2. S

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    Oh, I back Gary in the TMZ thing, I just think it's odd that they know that quite a few viewers have seen TMZ's videos of Gary where TMZ is alleging that he's out partying and drinking, and that they would give Warrick a huge storyline about being irresponsible when he's out partying and...
  3. S

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    While I'm jazzed for Gary getting a chance to flex his acting muscles again, does anyone else think that a drug/drinking/partying storyline is a little too close to home with all of the TMZ allegations?
  4. S

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    The only part I really question is why they would have her be a recurring character. They tried to inject a non-CSI-related wife for Warrick and we've seen her all of once. Not just as a GSR, but rather someone who's been watching Grissom for several years now - whether you like the...
  5. S

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    Wasn't everyone just complaining that Warrick never gets any screentimes or storylines? Geez, guess some people are just never pleased...
  6. S

    Solicitation + Spamming

    Re: Solicitation Read and understood. Uh, guys - the whole point is that this post is asking you not to discuss this stuff.
  7. S

    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    Not that this comes as a huge surprise, but CSI is also the number one show of the season so far:,1002,272|||season,00.html Given those numbers, even if CSI drops dramatically this week, it will probably still hold on to the top spot for a little...
  8. S

    Season 8: Spoiler Picture Thread

    Thanks, Erica - love the Grissom/Sara one! At least the argument is finally settled - it's a newsboy cap, not a beret or kangol. lol.
  9. S

    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    So... who was the number one show of the week? CSI of course. And Grey's? Came in third. CSI was nearly 4 million viewers ahead of its rival in second place, and almost 20% higher as well. It was also 1.4 points ahead in households.
  10. S

    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    Thanks! I love doing them, and the results can be pretty interesting. I anticipate a drop (not necessarily big, but a drop) this week, but that's still good. For anyone keeping track, CSI went up 19% from its finale in Season 7. *aaawwwkward* Izzie performed surgery on a deer while Little...
  11. S

    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** XF, if you don't have a comment on the episode, and you don't plan to watch it, continuing this argument is really, really pointless.
  12. S

    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    Well, everyone was so sure that since Grey's went over 10pm that they would see a big fat surge in viewership come the ratings finals. Uh... not so much: CSI: 25.22 million viewers Grey's Anatomy: 20.93 million viewers b]CSI Season 7 [/b] Episode 1: 25.22 million viewers Grey's Anatomy...
  13. S

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 2

    How are you not doing the exact same thing when you get mad at us for responding? You're telling us what not to post. We're not asking you not to post, but if you're going to make those comments, you know you'll get a response. Where's the shock?
  14. S

    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** ... but you didn't watch it. Bottom line, end of the day, you didn't watch the episode. So you have no idea how it was paced, how the tension played out, etc. You can throw a thousand different snarky phrases at me, but pretending to critique something...
  15. S

    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    Almost every single major show is down at least 10% from last year's numbers, and CSI is up about 9% - so yeah, it's not what GD got, but it GD didn't have Grey's or The Office or a huge number of TiVos. lol.
  16. S

    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    It looks like Miss Adzix won by a nose, but it was close between Adz and mrb, and I shamefully admit my lack of faith!
  17. S

    Season 8: "Dead Doll" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Re: "Dead Doll" Discussion **SPOILERS** But, frankly, since you admitted that you didn't watch, you can't know that. Shakespeare only had one original play - The Tempest. Is anyone going to say that because he mimicked old stories that he was suddenly a hack? It's not whether the story is...
  18. S

    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    FYI - as of right now, CSI is the number one show of the week. It's chart bonanza time, bitches! I won't be comparing it to Season 6 this year until probably the end as a final comparison because it's just way too many numbers. lol. CSI Season 7 Episode 1: 24.85 million viewers Grey's...
  19. S

    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    FINALLY! Sorry to double-post, but I figured everyone would want to know when the audience numbers were in: CSI (CBS) Viewers: 24.85 million (#1), A18-49: 8.0/19 (#2) Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) Viewers: 20.48 million (#2), A18-49: 8.7/21 (#1) Oh, bitches. CSI improved out of last year's premiere.
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    Ratings: CSI vs ... Part 2

    Grey's was down 26% from last year.