I thought this was quite an emotional episode for Grissom and Sara, it tested their trust for each other. I think Brass knows about them. I thought it tied up the previous Lady Heather story about her daughter really nicely.
Not enough Nick for me though! :(
Hi everyone - been away for a while but have been popping by to read every so often.
I loved this episode, I found it really funny (maybe I have a warped sense of humour) Brass was fantastic - the bit where the girl was singing and he said "do I look like Paula Abdul to you" was hysterical...
Adzix Some great animations. Love No 9 - sums it up perfectly! and No 15 made me lol! :lol:
edog Loving the Nicky ones :devil:
Sidlereiana15 very cute! :)
Hi y'all, not been in for a while so thought I would drop by *waves*
I watched BB last night and am not sure about the all girls together idea, although they have probably done it hoping for some bitchiness and fighting. The twins were a bit OTT and the crowd didnt like the "IT" girl Charlie...
Cathwillows Thank you so much for doing my request, as you can see I love it! (was a hard choice between the two though!
quoth some great work, again!
Some lovely icons too ericasj and Berylla
Marns Great first effort, especially Nicky ones - I cant fathom Photoshop at all! :(
Gregslabmouse Great work as usual! ;)
Cathwillows I have a request if I may be so bold... just checked out your LJ and love the ones of Nick you posted on 9 May namely nos 9 and 41 - would you please put the...
aww I didnt want it to ever end :(, that was brillant, great writing, lots of tension, good story, tons of snickers and a very happy ending....PM me when you write more, I dont want to miss any of your stories! :lol:
Well done. :D
Re: Pirates Of The Caribbean
Check out this website, there are a few clips from the movie. It looks fantastic.
I got my kids and hubby their tickets to go next Friday but I am away on a hen weekend so got to wait to see it...