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  1. Turtlebaby

    Name That Episode # 3

    I'm going to give it to GSRfanatic25 because it is said in both episodes. The one I was looking for is actually the second part of that episode (quite possibly a here's what happened last week replay) All for our Country. Your turn!
  2. Turtlebaby

    Name That Episode # 3

    Nope and Nope. Sorry guys! Keep trying!
  3. Turtlebaby

    Name That Episode # 3

    Nope, Sorry - it's not. Keep guessing!
  4. Turtlebaby

    Name That Episode # 3

    Ok. *searches* Grissom: Love is conditional. Good luck!
  5. Turtlebaby

    Name That Episode # 3

    *wiggles excitedly* I knoooooow this one! Or at least... I think I do. lol There's Greg and Nick... I believe he's talking about Greg not knowing anything about the sand. Yes? *goes searching for episode name* Got it! My final answer is: Who Are You? 1x06
  6. Turtlebaby

    Which Episode?

    Wow - I'm really not going to be much help either. Except to say that I remember it. I think it was the original CSI. It ends in a hotel room right? With the mother and the daughter both standing there... oh man I don't remember. *this is going to drive me crazy*
  7. Turtlebaby

    Name That Episode # 3

    You got it, Hard2Handle! Your turn!
  8. Turtlebaby

    Name That Episode # 3

    Yay! Now, even though it's way past my bedtime, I give you the quote of the hour. Nick: Well, the truth works for me. I like the truth.
  9. Turtlebaby

    Name That Episode # 3

    3X12: GOT MURDER? And he's talking to Sara. Yes?
  10. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Ditto. I'd love to see Anguished!Grissom... however, I'm not willing to give up Sara to see it. They can't kill one half of my OTP. As for who...if... gah. I can't even finish that thought. There should be nobody else besides Sara. Though, I will admit to being a multishipper of sorts (I...
  11. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

    Yay for the new thread! Yippee! GSR rocks my cow socks. Yes, that's right. My socks have little cows all over them. Infact I have two different pairs with cows because I lurves cows. They is be cutes. Wow. You did a wonderful job Choco, it feels very homey. I think we shall enjoy it...
  12. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    Adz, either way the season turns out, you're gonna have to watch this promo as soon as the premiere airs. I'm not telling you to NOW - I certainly wish I handn't - but eventually. Because it's gorgeously done. Like hyper active fanvids with incredible editing wonderfully done. My MOTHER...
  13. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    You have to make sure you use the spoiler tags, and when you post make sure the box at the bottom that says "I want to preview my post" is clicked so you can make sure that the codes worked. Ok? That way you'll be sure nothing escaped the confines of the evil blue boxes to further pollute the...
  14. Turtlebaby

    Elimination Game *New Game!*

    Re: Elimination Game :) Gil Grissom - 14 Catherine Willows - 13 Sara Sidle - 10 (+) Warrick Brown - 10 Nick Stokes - 23 Capt. Brass - 13 Dr. Robbins - 12 Greg Sanders - 11 Sophia Curtis - 10 David Hodges - 12 Stella Bonasera - 11 Aiden Burn - 12 Don Flack - 14 Sheldon Hawkes - 12 Danny Messer...
  15. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    First off, I want to apologize for being so damn obsessed with this promo. I have been living in a primarily nonCSI world for the past two months and I've been good being spoiler free. However, the one time I DO watch CSI over the summer and I accidently see a promo. And I get overly...
  16. Turtlebaby

    Elimination Game *New Game!*

    Re: Elimination Game :) Gil Grissom - 15 Catherine Willows - 12 Sara Sidle - 13(+) Warrick Brown - 10 Nick Stokes - 21 Capt. Brass - 13 Dr. Robbins - 11 Greg Sanders - 10 Sophia Curtis - 10 David Hodges - 11 Stella Bonasera - 10 Aiden Burn - 12 Don Flack - 12 Sheldon Hawkes - 12 Danny Messer...
  17. Turtlebaby

    Elimination Game *New Game!*

    Re: Elimination Game :) Gil Grissom - 15 Catherine Willows - 12 Sara Sidle - 13 (+) Warrick Brown - 10 Nick Stokes - 15 Capt. Brass - 12 Dr. Robbins - 11 Greg Sanders - 10 Sophia Curtis - 10 David Hodges - 11 Stella Bonasera - 10 Aiden Burn - 12 Don Flack - 12 Sheldon Hawkes - 12 Danny Messer -...
  18. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    AL You are my new hero. So that was the worst post ever. My sister refuses to watch it and got mad at me for trying to tell her one little thing. So I'm sitting here all alone and I just want to scream and dance because I can't WAIT for this episode anymore. Ladies and gentlemen, I've...
  19. Turtlebaby

    Grissom & Sara #29: The Only Person He Ever Loved

    :eek: I swear to all that is good. I didn't mean to WATCH the promo. I was watching CSI and it was on commercial and I'm a commercial flipper and I flipped back to CBS and there I caught the end of a promo. My initial reaction was "I don't wanna see this!" Then I attempted to change...
  20. Turtlebaby

    Elimination Game *New Game!*

    Re: Elimination Game :) I'll play! Gil Grissom - 10 Catherine Willows - 11 Sara Sidle - 11 (+) Warrick Brown - 10 Nick Stokes - 10 Capt. Brass - 11 Dr. Robbins - 10 Greg Sanders - 10 Sophia Curtis - 10 David Hodges - 10 Stella Bonasera - 10 Aiden Burn - 10 Don Flack - 10 Sheldon Hawkes - 10...