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  1. D

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 Eva..I can't see your pictures.. :( Nice Pictures everyone!! :D
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 I agree with alcohol for me ;) Guys..what about sharing Heineken and don't fight! there's enough for everone.. :p Can't we put chocolate in the basket too..? It's maybe not Dutch but it is very nice :D
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 Welcome SaraStar.. :D Want a stroopwafel..?? *hands a stroopwafel*
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    Cool..It seems like a cool movie.. I am straight but I always think its cute if I see a gay couple. I hate people who say its a disease because its not. And I'm happy for all the gay people who found love :D Besides I think its cool to have a gay friend.. :D
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    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Jayne, I'm so sorry..I hope you get connected very soon :D Major down: I have 8 mosquitobites and they itch like hell :mad: up: I've had a haircut :D up: I've bought some clothes yesterday :D up: I've bought the entire fifth CSI season :D down: The weekend has gone so fast.. :(
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    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 MissRoosFox, I think you're pretty..Nice Picture :D
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    Stokes Syndrome Ward, a Nick/George Picture Thread #13

    Hey..I haven't been here for a while..but I'll just hop in the theme..congrats babs and good theme :D Blue Red Blue Not really a shirt..but it's blue Red Blue I hope this is what you mean.. :)
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    Watching the 3 CSI series free online, LEGALLY problem..If you're outside the US you can't see them..I found out when I tried to watch CSI:Miami :(
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    I Can't Believe It #4

    I can't believe that CBS puts the CSIepisodes on innertube, but people outside the US can't watch them :mad: I can't believe my eye hurts so much ( it's probably because my eyes are dry and now I feel my contact lenses more) I can't believe I have no homework..not that I'm complaining.. :p
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 Nathalie can't you try to find a job as a nannie or something..If you'd like to work with kids.. Well..Denise sometimes I don't enjoy being this young and stuff..I'm 14 and if you count this schoolyear, I still have 4 years to go and then I have to study.. :( I want to be...
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 no problemo.. ;) what's your age..? I'm 14, so I'm pretty young ;)
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 experience = ervaring :p Well..I got no job..I'm still to young and also still in school..sorry ;) btw..I totally forgot..but I'm sorry you didn't get the job Nathalie :(
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    I Can't Believe It #4

    wow..I had class from 8:00 am til 2:00 pm I can't believe how happy I am, I smile all day.. :D I can't believe I finally have my ID card, but I hate it!! ( In Holland if you turn 14 you have to identify yourself so you need to have in on you all day :()
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    Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

    Down: I just found out you can't watch CSI on innertube if you're not in the US.. :( Up: I have new shoes.. Up: CSI Miami and Grey's Anatomy are on tonight
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    Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

    CSI:NY 8:30 House: 9:30 NCIS: 10:30 Another up: tomorrow a relax day at school.. :p
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    Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

    Up: I had a Greek test and I had an A :eek: I'm so proud of myself cause nobody else had an A.. :D Down: It's to hot to learn.. Up: Tonight CSI:NY, House and NCIS :D Down: Still need to learn my Latin.. Why did I decide to keep my latin and greek classes.. :confused:
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 well.. I'm also drooling but not for emily..more for Jonathan Togo and Adam Rodriguez.. :p
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    Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

    thanks sandleissocute and RoosCSILover, no you haven't seen me, my parents don't want me to put pictures on internet.. :( they are so protective..but atleast they care about me.. :)
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    Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

    down: I feel so fucked up today..I feel so ugly and all the guys in my class made me feel even worse with there comments on how ugly I am.. :( I feel fat, I'm the tallest of my friends and my eyes hurt so I had to put my glasses on instead of my contact lenses.. :mad: up: tonight CSI: Miami
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 happy birthday..!! hope you enjoy the day but I can't come to your party..still need to learn my Latin and Greek.. :rolleyes: