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  1. C

    "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Re: "The Good, the Bad & the Dominatrix" Discussion *Spoiler This ep is one of my faves in the season so far. I've come the characters all over again. Grissom has really shown his most tender side to date in my opinion.. I have never seen him so worried and so caring about someone than he...
  2. C

    Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

    Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin Thanks for welcoming me back! :D and mariel! *huggles* Oh yeah that story is fantastic! I've been following it in the snickers board, but I think it's also posted here at Talk. It's a great read, very much recommended. :) I'm not...
  3. C

    "Gary/Warrick Total Appreciation!!" Part 2

    Awww... where's the Warrick love? :D Hi all! I'm back here because I've been missing Warrick terribly. I've been watching Season 2 and there's this episode, "Primum Non Nocere", which is a great Warrick episode. It's the one wherein he met this singer in the bar and he was really drawn to...
  4. C

    Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

    Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin Hi all! :) Long time.. no post. How's everyone? :D Nice to see Nick saying out loud what he think of that kind of relationships. He may have been talking about a case and not about Grissom and Sara, but it could be a foreshadowing...
  5. C

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 4

    I agree, Nick was most likely talking about a case, but it's a big clue as to how he would react regarding the relationship. I've been waiting for the other characters to find out about it all season... and TPTB had to do it in the last episode. Well at least they're making it known already...
  6. C

    ‘CSI’ Star Contract Due To Expire

    I agree. I love Sara to death, she's actually my favorite character. But it's been a terrible route for this character all season. If it continues down this path then I guess it would be better if she does leave the show for good. Of course, I'm still hoping she gets to stay and TPTB just...
  7. C

    Lady Heather Returns to Las Vegas

    Yay Lady Heather! :D I just hope TPTB doesn't ruin her character or anything.
  8. C

    Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

    Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin I noticed that as well! The way he smiled it's like telling himself he should've expected it since that's the way Sara has always been. I like how he asked her if "it was such a good idea", because he's not outright telling her it's...
  9. C

    Your top ten!

    *in no particular order* and I kinda cheated, lol. - Team having breakfast (The Strip Strangler) - The team watching the live video feed of Nick buried underground (Grave Danger) - Warrick watching as Nick holds a gun to his head (Grave Danger) - Grissom/Lady H hug scene (Pirates of the Third...
  10. C

    Talk CSI Member Shane Saunders Interviews ‘CSI’ Writer Allen MacDonald

    Re: Talk CSI Member Shane Saunders Interviews ‘CSI&#82 Great interview Shane! Thanks! :) Yeah... we definitely need more Nick and Sara enthusiasts, as a team or as individual characters. I also liked how he explained the writing process in the show.
  11. C

    Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

    Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin I have a favorite CSI writer :D . Thanks mariel and Hottie! If he wrote Leaving Las Vegas, and taking into account what he just said, maybe he was the one who wrote the (cut) locker scene between Nick and Sara, where Nick was...
  12. C

    Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

    Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!! Hee. Tush checks. I almost forgot how fun this thread gets. :D Not sure which Gil uses more, but I kinda prefer it when he calls her Catherine. It rolls on his tongue better, and it always comes out softer or something. But...
  13. C

    Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

    Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin Hey all! It's been a long time since I've been here. Hi to everyone. :D So... C. I think at first he wouldn't say much and then wait for Warrick's reaction. Warrick wouldn't be surprised, cause I think he's more aware of the whole...
  14. C

    Reguarding Icon/Wallpaper/Banner challenges!

    I kinda agree with vegaslights... I was never a big fan of the beginner/advanced thing. For one, even if you're a beginner, it doesn't mean that you can't win challenges. I know at least two people who have won challenges with only a few days/weeks of experience. Also, for me it's better to...
  15. C

    Moderator Changes Welcome & Farewell

    *keeping in touch to avoid getting cyber slapped by D* :D Welcome to cinegirl and Wyoming! :)
  16. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Silhoutte, Miss_U, those manips are hot. :D
  17. C

    Signature Banners Challenge - # 12 Winners Up!!

    Re: Signature Banners Challenge - #6 Voting Up! 18 03 07 great work everyone! :)
  18. C

    Signature Banners #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    Hey all. Please don't quote the images because it's a waste of bandwidth. If you must quote a post, remove the image tags first. Thanks.
  19. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Lauw, that Sara Swann looks great! Fantastic work everyone. :)
  20. C

    Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshine

    Re: Nick/Sara -- #20 -- The Adventures of Poncho and Sunshin Happy birthday Ali!