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  1. wlk68

    "The Grave Shift" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Loved this. I really think Nick has what it takes to a really great teacher. He's warm, personable, patient and he explained things without sounding like he was talking down to Ray. Wow, I just had an interesting thought. I wonder if George used the fact that, in real life, his mom is a...
  2. wlk68

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P3

    Big... fat...WORD! I'm glad that the whole GSR extravaganza is now behind us so we can focus on cases and get a few plot lines about those other people who appear on the show. *cough* Greg, Nick *cough* I am really excited about LF and look forward to seeing where things go from here. And...
  3. wlk68

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P3

    This sounds interesting. I don't know about CSIs in general but I'm sure that cops have those places they get called to time and time again, knowing that eventually it's going to end badly. Especially places where there's domestic disputes. I can see them getting to know the people involved and...
  4. wlk68

    "One To Go" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    This all makes complete sense. I can see Catherine not wanting Grissom's office and I can see Nick being all democratic about it and going the sharing route. He's the ultimate team player. As for Langston having a cubby down near the morgue, that makes perfect sense too. Wow, tptb...
  5. wlk68

    "One To Go" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    G. W. Bush has made my life miserable for the last 8 years so I guess I shouldn't be surprised by this turn of events. I hate these presidential speeches because after listening to the guy blather on about nothing, there's always the "post game analysis" from the politcal press, comments from...
  6. wlk68

    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

    I have a question related to the Season 8 dvd's. Which episodes, if any, have director's commentary? And just so this post keeps to the thread topic, here is one of my all time favorite pictures of GE. I love that soft smile, those wonderful warm brown eyes and that bit of scruff on his chin...
  7. wlk68

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

    I'm willing to bet its a "Yes we know that Grissom is gone but we're still here and things at CSI will be fine" kind of visit. I bet he'll discuss what's ahead for Nick, BP leaving and what a great guy and wonderful actor LF is, etc. Sort of a pro-active damage control visit. Reassure the...
  8. wlk68

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P3

    There's more to Grissom than his relationship with Sara and I would prefer that we not see a big shippy reunion scene as our final glimpse of the man. Not only because I've never been a fan of GSR but because it's been done before: Nurse Hathaway/Dr. Ross - ER. I'd like to think that CSI would...
  9. wlk68

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P3

    Vegas has already done a crossover with Miami. I'd much prefer they go to NY. Extra brownie points if its Nick that goes. That way I would get to see him and Flack on screen at the same time. Double your pleasure, double your fun...:drool:
  10. wlk68

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

    What exactly *is* a Chicago accent anyway? I used to travel there on business quite regularly and don't recall any noticable accent. :confused:
  11. wlk68

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

    I'm very fond of alliteration so, as naughty as it sounds, I like Nicky Nuts because we're all Nuts for Nicky :drool: It's kinda like being cuckoo for cocoa puffs! :lol:
  12. wlk68

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

    I stand corrected. But seriously, I coulda sworn that, once upon a time, GE's bio at the CBS/CSI site said he was the youngest of 7. And I remember thinking "Cool, just like his character". I guess I hallucinated the whole thing. :wtf:
  13. wlk68

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P3

    That's actually pretty Emo for Grissom and of all the things that he could say to Nick, I think that's actually perfect. It tells Nick that Grissom thinks very highly of him which is all he ever wanted. Of Nick, Warrick, Sara and Greg, Nick is the one that's grown the most over the course of...
  14. wlk68

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

    To the best of my knowledge, Nick's bio actually mirrors George's in regards to the number of siblings.
  15. wlk68

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

    And I bet he had to eat a few meals standing up. :guffaw: George was the youngest of 7 kids and if you believe that birth order stuff, the youngest tends to bit a bit of a spoiled darling. By that time, the parents aren't quite so strict and the kid gets away with stuff that their older...
  16. wlk68

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #9

    This is news to me. I had no idea. I seem to recall hearing that he used to sell copiers. His mom is supposedly an awesome teacher (I know she's been nominated for awards) and I could see George being just as passionate and enthusiastic. He would be that fun, cool teacher that everyone...
  17. wlk68

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P3

    It doesn't fall into the kissing up category for Hodges but let's not forget that he and Nick were also doing a little bonding over mailbox baseball. That has to be the oddest "buddy" combo I've ever seen. :wtf: Maybe Hodges figures that Nick is missing his best bud, Warrick, and he's...
  18. wlk68

    All Leading to Now: Your Favorite Grissom Moments

    Gosh, there are so many good Grissom moments that it's hard to decide. Having said that, I think the best I can do is narrow it down to one episode: Fur And Loathing. He's just so quirky and delightful in that eppy. Oh, and the scene in Iced where he says to Ecklie "I love it when you wear...
  19. wlk68

    "19 Down..." Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I really liked this episode....a lot. It felt like old school CSI even without Sara and Warrick. Was I the only one that thought Grissom looked old and kind of worn out? Having said that, his mood in general seemed lighter in contrast to his appearance. It was as if, now that the decision had...
  20. wlk68

    "Young Man With A Horn" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I noticed the look as well. I got the impression that, for a tiny second, Nick forgot that Warrick was dead and just blurted out what he did. It was only after the fact that he realized what he said and then both he and Greg just kind of stared at each other, acknowledging the fact that they...