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  1. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Thank you so much for this picture Seabird*sigh* I like... Re GSR - there are a few of us out there, GSR was my first ship and has a special place in my heart but it kind of makes me sad now Sara has left. There is hope yet for The Love! I think I do actually like Greg's longish S6/7 curls...
  2. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I totally agree with this Michelle, and as for the hospital, I like to think he was there, just hidden from sight, waiting all supportive-like....*sigh* I think they both would be romantic in their own way. I do like the idea of Greg writing songs but I'm not sure how romantic they would...
  3. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I go away for a couple of days and miss all sorts! Wojo - as regards favourites, much as I love them together, it's Greggo for me all the way, he's the one I look forward to seeing, I love his energy and enthusiasm and, best smile ever. *sigh* Think he has really developed as a character since...
  4. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    All good points but 1) I remember thinking this at the time - why were they both allowed to go with him, because as someone said earlier there would definitely have been a space issue and I am convinced only one person can get in the ambulance though I may be wrong. It's like they just leapt in...
  5. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Forgiven! :) I have just rewatched this and it is a great could he possibly resist that smile? Katlynn....I don't know the Carrie Underwood song but isn't she kind of country? Might work for Nick....I love when he sings at the beginning of Grave Danger. That said I'm sure the other...
  6. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Lynn - do it, do it! It's mean but he has to do something that would really upset Greggo or it won't work. We know he didn't mean it, but Greg doesn't. Then what...he'll have to rush off somewhere without speaking about it or will they have an argument? Sorry I'm going to stop sticking my oar...
  7. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Aww...I love that people are liking my idea and can't wait to read Lynn's fic...I agree that the longer the better QOTU :p and by the way your fics are fantastic so less of the modesty please... I think that ^^ is why I chose Catherine. Think she would instinctively sense there was something...
  8. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Katlynn, I would love it if you would steal my idea :) I have neither the patience or the ability to make it happen :(
  9. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I really do not remember this! Am going to have to go back and watch this one I think, is it around s3? I would like a happy ending too but maybe something a bit angsty to begin with...and this is just my own personal ideal...but maybe Nicky would accidentally upset Greg, say something to him...
  10. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I sort of agree with this, having to look for the nice little moments is kind of what I like about it, but then again actually admitting/showing their relationship would be amazing :) I really really don't get what a fuss some people make about the idea characters might be gay, though I...
  11. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Katlynn, I would have been so mad too - definitely so much more than 'those gay CSIs'! There is no hope for some in understanding the subtleties of the Love ;) Regarding this ^^ if it helps, my mother is firmly convinced that there is 'something going on' (and I quote) 'between those two...
  12. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Hi everyone Me: long time lurker, first time poster. This may be all wrong but even though I'm usually all about GSR I think Greg/Nick is getting more interesting all the time and haven't been able to tear myself away from this thread, loving all the caps :p I love the exchange of glances...